
Saturday, May 31, 2014

memorial day weekend-first catch!

I'm getting behind again!  I never seem to get caught up, I can't believe June is almost over already.  Why does the summer go so fast??
We went to visit Grandpa Bill's grave over Memorial Day weekend.  The cemeteries are always so pretty, and I love seeing all the flags blowing in the breeze.  I love watching my kids play around dad's headstone.  They love to climb on it, and jump off it.  Andrew has made "campfires" (by carrying loads of sticks and setting them up in front of it!) I just know my dad is watching them and loves every minute of it.
We had heard it was supposed to be a rainy weekend, and the boat wasn't ready to go in up at the lake yet anyway so we stayed home and had fun at a BBQ with our friends!
On Saturday we went to a campfire and had delicious food, tractor rides and the kids went fishing!  It was so much fun!  They found this neat old tree and loved getting in it!
A real picnic!
My friend Angie's dad gave the kids rides the whole evening and they loved it!
This was the most special moment.  Andrew's first time fishing.
Craig and I were pretty certain he wasn't going to catch anything, but we gave it a shot anyway and he enjoyed just casting and seeing what it was all about.  I had gone back up to the camp site to chat and check on Kerigan, thinking there was no way he was going to catch anything.
Look at that face!  Next thing I know, Craig is yelling at me that he caught a fish!  I came running!  Luckily our friends were there helping and someone else took these pictures!  I love them so much- his sweet little proud face!
He was beyond excited!
It was such a special memory I know we'll have forever!
We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and then S'mores!
Kerigan and her new friend, Payton.  Her mommy, Angie, is a teacher in town and I have gotten to know her this year and it is like we are the same person!  We have so much in common with each other and have had so many laughs and it feels like we've known each other for years!  I love how God always had a plan for us to meet, by bringing us to this town and introducing us to so many awesome new friends.  It's a dream come true for me.
We got rained out and had to head out a little early!  There was quite a storm following us!  But it's okay because a few of us mama's planned a fun night out!
We went to see the movie "Mom's Night Out," and I hadn't laughed that hard in a LONG time!  It was SO funny and I could totally relate to pretty much all of it!  A perfect movie for moms.  We had so much fun!  On the left is Susana (she is my neighbor with 2 little boys and SO sweet), Angie is next to her, then Ashley on the other side of me (Kerigan's day care provider and great friend), and Heather, who goes to our church and has 2 adorable little girls (Kerigan and Andrew's ages).
On Monday Ga Ga and Papa came over to grill and it was so nice we had to sit outside!  I just love sitting out on our deck!  We have been eating all 3 meals out there since the weather has been so nice!
The kids were ready for a campfire in the backyard!  Kerigan in her pajamas, of course.
There's just nothing like a good S'more!

Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer.  Now it's time to get the boat in the lake and try to savor every minute left of summer because it is going to be over before we know it!