
Friday, May 30, 2014

oh happy day!

Yippe!  Ga Ga is retired!  Do the happy dance!
My mom has been waiting a long time for this!  (Like pretty much since the day she started working- ha!)  We are so happy for her!  She can't wait to have more time to spend with these two!
The food was AH-MAY-ZING.  My mom's friends from her school put this all together, and it was a wonderful party and memorable evening!
Cake pops!  So unbelieveably good!
These two just devoured the food!
Every time I looked at them they were eating!
They pretty much ate the whole night!
The party was held at a neat self serve wine bar.  Papa had fun sampling!  Ha!
My mom received her plaque for working in the school district for 29 years.  I told her she should have gone one more to make it 30!  Ha!
This is my mom's principal, he's such a nice guy!  She has worked for a lot of great principals over the years.
Cheers to my amazing mom!  I love this picture.
My brother Tim and my great niece Lucy
This just cracked me up!  My mom's life long best friend Kathy is in the background photo-bombing us!  Ha!
My mom and Jim.  We are so blessed Jim is in our lives!  My mom can't wait to travel with him- they both enjoy doing things together and going places, so I know they are going to have a blast together!  I'm pretty sure this fall when school starts again they are going to take off somewhere!
This is Glenn (husband of Kathy), who have both been my parents best friends forever.  Glenn and my dad were great friends and principals together for years.  Glenn was actually MY elementary principal growing up.  I knew I better never be sent to see him at school or I would have been in big trouble!  Anyway, a few years ago Glenn had heart surgery, and Andrew thinks it's pretty cool they have matching scars.  We call them "heart brothers!"
My sweet kids
I thought this was funny- when she's "bored" with napping, baby sitting and cooking!  Ha ha.  Everyone knows my mom doesn't cook!  She's the best chef in the world but she hates to do it.  And she will definitely be doing some baby sitting for two precious kids!
Mom, your time is finally here!  We love you!  The best is yet to come!