
Monday, June 16, 2014


This year little miss wanted to wear her superhero cape, too.
It made for some pretty cute pictures!
It was a gorgeous morning for the Heartwalk this year!  The temperature couldn't have been better.  You almost needed a jacket... but not quite.
Walking for her brother!

My little heart hero- this was our 8th walk.  It's something we've made a tradition, a way to celebrate our hero and recognize his bravery.
Every year he understands a little bit more about why we do it.  And I love the fact that he feels supported and loved when his family and cousins make an effort to be at the walk each year.  It means so much!
This year Fred Hoiberg (Cyclone basketball coach and even attended the same high school as me!  Yes, we walked the halls of HS together... well, not together, but you know.)
A crowd of superheroes.  Including the seven year old.
Evelyn and Jayden wanted their mom to go up with them, so Aunt Rachel is in the pic, too!  Ha!
Before the walk they always have neat things for the kids to do.  This year, because Coach Hoiberg was the ambassador, he had some of his players shoot baskets with the kids.  It was so neat!

Andrew made almost 10 baskets in a row!  The player told him the ball was hot, and Andrew thought it was so amazing!

The grandmas were having fun.... Kerigan?
We were so happy Grandma could make it to walk this year!
Every year they bring the survivors up (the people wearing the red hats!)
It always amazes me how many kids there are.
The "Andrews!"  Love these boys!
This is the first year we haven't had the stroller or wagon!  Kerigan did really good.  She hitched a ride on Aunt Rachel's shoulders for a while!
She wanted water and this is what she did when I told her to go over and get some!  She is so apprehensive about things sometimes!  She cracks me up.
Cousins.  I'm pretty sure Andrew couldn't have been any happier right then.
We had to make a detour on the walk when the kids spotted the Lorax!  Ha!  
I love this picture.  Cousins are so special.  We are so blessed our kids get to grow up with theirs.
See?  I walked too!  Even though I am the official picture taker!
Our team this year, minus Papa and Daddy.
We found Papa!
This sweet baby is new to our support group and his name is also Andrew!  He has the same heart defect as our Andrew, and I've enjoyed getting to know his mama.  It is so nice to be able to support other heart families and share our story, so they can be encouraged.  When we were pregnant with Andrew, I wanted nothing more than to meet another child who had a success story.  Now our Andrew is that success story.  And that just feels amazing.

Thank you for supporting us year after year.  Many sent donations and it always means so much to get those checks in the mail in honor of our son.  We are up to over $10,000 raised in the 8 years we've been doing the walk.  I'm so glad we can make a difference!