
Monday, August 18, 2014

lazy lake days

Before school started we had a little family getaway at the lake!  It was so much fun to be all together, relaxed and stress free!  Ahhh the lake is just my happy place!
Sweet family selfie.  
The kids absolutely love to anchor at the beach, have a picnic and go swimming up to the shore.
My favorite thing to do is go cruising around the lake, at a slower pace while soaking in the rays!  This doesn't work too well with the kids as they want to go FAST and they beg us until we do!  Kerigan loves driving with daddy.
A town staple
We love eating at the Barrel.  It's been in town for years and is a part of history.  They have the best chicken and ice cream ever!
A couple weeks later, we had a girls (and Andrew!) day and Mandy and I brought the kids for a boat ride again!
This is the life!  Ha!
Before we left I picked up a huge sack of sand toys for them to play with on the beach and Andrew just went crazy over it.  He is really into building sand castles and this helped a lot!
Working on their sand castle!

Mandy and I- heart mamas take the beach!  Ha!
My sweet girl
Of course we had to take them to the Barrel.  Where you seriously still place your order from a phone that's attached to the wall at each booth!  Something that will be a thing of the past in a few years, I'm sure!
They wanted to pose by the ice cream cone this time!  It's the "best in town!"

We loved our little end of summer lake adventures.  Hopefully there will be at least one more before we put the boat away for the season!