
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I can't believe it's time to wrap up my summer posts.  I have many special back to school memories to share, but want to keep this blog in order so I have a few more updates before we tell summer goodbye!
This cracked me up.  My friend Angie and I met at Starbucks one morning and then grocery shopped and we saw this book and had to take a selfie.  We are both teachers and were loving our sleepy mornings and not ready to start getting up bright and early again!  Ha!
One afternoon we took Andrew and a couple of his friends to the "jumpy house place" (as he calls it!)  They had a blast and I don't think they ever stopped running or moving once except for this picture!
A certain little girl refused to slide.  I decided to just let her wander around and see what she would do (I knew she wouldn't go, she is so hesitant to try new things, which I hope changes as she grows!)  It took her about an hour of being there (and one time getting stuck up in the play tunnels and crying for me to come get her, which I did NOT do, just for the record!  No way this mama is crawling up there and getting stuck!  Ha!)
As you can see, once she made the decision, she was off.  She absolutely loved it and she never stopped the whole rest of the time.  We had to stay a little longer since it took her so long to discover how much she loved it!
We saw Planes, Fire & Rescue with some friends one afternoon!  So much fun! (Kerigan hogged the popcorn- Ha!)
Lots of ice cream dates with our good friends!
These three crack me up!
We were passing through our old stomping grounds so I texted our old friends from Andrew's preschool and they joined us at the park for a picnic supper!  The boys acted like no time had passed and could have played forever!
Nicholas and Payton were Andrew's very first friends at preschool when he turned 3.  They have been best buddies ever since and they miss each other!  I think it's so great we can still all keep in touch and get them together every once in a while! 
Kerigan was so proud she climbed this giant rock!
She has fun playing with Payton's big sister too!  Silly boys!
We joined our friends for a benefit to support childhood cancer and look who was there!  More princesses!  The girls were starstruck yet again!
We all brought toys to donate to the children's hospital and Santa showed up!  Andrew couldn't wait to get on his lap and tell him what he wants for Christmas already!  Ha!
I made him take a picture with the princesses.  You can see he was thrilled.  But secretly I don't think he minded too much!  Ha!
The fire department was there and the kids had fun exploring the fire truck!
Seriously?  He really is this funny.
I've been having fun with my friends too!  I've never really had so many girl friends that all hung out regularly and went to movies, dinner and had drinks together!  I am loving it!  I have found the best friends in our new little town, and I am so blessed.  It's something I had prayed for for a long time, and God has provided me with that need for close friendships and community.  I love that our kids have all become friends too.  There have been lots of fun times and laughs this summer!
And some serious half price Applebees appetizers!  Can't beat that!

 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:12-15