
Monday, August 25, 2014

summer catch up

I just had to do a summer phone dump because I am starting to take so many more pictures on my phone now!  I do a post and then forget to back up and post ones on my phone.
This was taken on my mom's birthday.  She came to spend the day with us and we took her to a yummy little italian place in town.  It was so delicious!
Kerigan discovered her love of good ol' Iowa sweet corn.  You just can't beat it!  And I think we ate on the porch several times a week all summer long because the weather was SO beautiful.  In the 70's most of the summer.  Even through July.  It was unseasonably cool and we loved every minute of it!
My girl on her first day of swimming lessons

I was so proud of her, she jumped right in and followed her teacher's directions!
First day of tumble tots!
She loved this trampoline.  Actually she loved the whole class so much she wanted me to sign her up again so I enrolled her in a class this fall.  She is so excited!
Andrew did the summer camp and he loved it too!  But he's sticking with Tae Kwon Do for the fall!
In other big news....
While apprehensive at first....
This little man learned to ride his bike without training wheels!
We took him to an elementary school that has a track on a flat surface so he could go without stopping, and it was the best thing ever.  We practiced for 2 days in the neighborhood and just weren't having any luck.  He was frustrated and didn't have the best attitude about it.  We may or may not have bribed him with a Skylander.  Worked like a charm!  Ha!
Someone else decided she wanted to ride her princess bike too!  I got her a new princess helmet and she jumped right on and learned to pedal in about 5 minutes.  She also rode around and around the track with Andrew and had a blast.  And who says you can't ride a bike in a tutu and flip flops!?
He was so proud of this- he built it at Ga Ga's one afternoon.
My precious little dancer.  I ordered her dance stuff online and it came in the mail and she couldn't wait to try it on.  She could not look any sweeter.  What is it about dance outfits??  I could just eat her up with a spoon!
This picture cracks me up.  With their cheetos and McDonalds drinks, konked out on the way back from the August heart meeting.  Our meetings are about an hour away, but we love going and they love to play with their friends!  I always bring their pajamas and we make it fun by stopping through drive thru's on the way there and back.  Mandy and I always take turns driving and love the time chatting in the car!  It's a win-win!

I think that catches me up!  Back to school...coming up!