
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

birthday celebrations

After Labor Day is my birthday, so we're getting closer to being caught up!  I'll get there!
Andrew had been begging Ga Ga to ride in her convertible, so she and Papa brought it over on my birthday and we took the kids to dinner in it.
They were beyond thrilled and so excited!
Pure joy!
My mom and I used to drive around in her convertible (it was an older one back then), when I was a little girl.  I have such fun memories of doing this with my mom.  It's fun to give my kids the same memories.
Andrew begged Ga Ga to keep it for a while, so she switched cars with daddy and we drove the convertible for a week.  To school.  To all our after school activities.  Andrew was so pumped.  Ga Ga is cool like that.
I think we are making it a tradition to go to Zeno's on my birthday.  This is the 2nd year we've done it, and the 2nd year we've lived here.  We just love their pizza!  They always bring free cheese sticks for birthdays and they are my favorite thing!!
After dinner we drove back home and I opened my cards and a few gifts.
The kids are always excited to give me their gifts and cards.

Another tradition (for the 2nd year) is my mom always brings gourmet cupcakes!  I always look forward to it!
And this year as an extra special treat, my mom and the kids and I took a little road trip to Minneapolis to keep celebrating my birthday since daddy had to work.  We had so much fun!  My mom and the kids and I are getting pretty good at road trips together (after South Carolina this summer!)
He just did this, unprompted.  This kid
My buddy and I on our all time favorite ride- the Pepsi coaster!  I think we rode it at least 3 times.  So fun!
The kids always enjoy the Wonder Pets Flyboat!

My sweet girl
I got Andrew to pose with the Ninja Turtles this time.  But I'm afraid it's becoming a thing of the past.  My guy just isn't into these characters anymore and it makes me so sad!!  I remember the year we made a special trip back here just to see these guys!
He's just getting so grown up!
My girl is getting over her fear, she even held Diego's hand!
Sweet kids on the carousel 
We had a great time swimming in the pool too!  That's always a favorite activity on our vacations!
Mommy and Ga Ga's favorite activity... IKEA.  Kerigan's?  Notsomuch.  She and Andrew had fun in the child care area they have, but they only let them stay for an hour.  Seriously?  An hour in IKEA?  Not possible.  So mom and I got about 1/8 of the way through and went back to pick them up and finished shopping with them.   Then we headed back home after a fun weekend!  I am hoping we can make this trip a tradition too!
The next weekend my mom watched the kids so we could have a couple's date night to celebrate my good friend Angie's and my birthdays.  I had to laugh, before we left the sitter was cashed out on the couch!  Ha!  
We had so much fun at Latin King and seeing Gone Girl.  Kind of a weird movie, but a fun night with friends!