
Saturday, October 4, 2014

fall fun

It isn't fall around here without celebrating Iowa State football!  
We got together with friends to watch the game again this year and had so much fun!  It was a beautiful day.
This picture just cracked me up because everyone's husbands were busy or working this day except Craig, which is so unusual!  So it was Craig with all of us girls, he doesn't look as thrilled as he should be!  Ha ha.  I think it's maybe because we were all chatting over wine and he couldn't hear his game!
The kids have been fun going to daddy's games this fall.  They think it's pretty cool they can run out on the track near all the players and watch with daddy! 
Kerigan and her friend Payton love just hanging out and playing during the game.  And eating lots of popcorn!
This year Andrew wanted to participate in the Fun Run our town has each year.  
He loves running so much so he was excited to do this!
His buddies Isaac and Preston ran with him.
This is such a cute picture of him getting a good start!
Almost to the finish line!  He wasn't first... but he wasn't last either.  We were so proud of his effort and for going out there and doing what he loves to do!
He is so proud of his ribbon!
Kerigan actually wanted to do the super slide all by herself!  I couldn't believe it.  She walked up there with her little burlap sack and those huge stairs like she owned it!
She is just getting to be such a big girl I can't get over it.
And one time wasn't enough!
They also rode this elephant ride that is exactly like the Dumbo ride, with a MUCH shorter line!
There was a time when she wouldn't have gotten on a ride by herself for anything.  Now she could go all day!
For Homecoming our school walked in the parade on Main Street.  Lots of kids from my class and Andrew's class were there and it was such a fun time.
One of my friends took this of Kerigan and I as we were walking!  Love it!
So proud of our school!
My kids all love Kerigan!  She was sandwiched in the middle, not sure what to think of all the attention!
Speaking of school, this was so funny.  Lots of the teachers are always joking about how we often wear similar outfits on the same days.  This day we all had to get a picture because 3 of us were exactly alike, even our turquoise jewelry!  Ha!
This fall instead of soccer or basketball, Andrew decided he wanted to try tennis!
When I gave him the choice, he was like "what's tennis?"  Ha!  So I showed him some pictures online and he was like "OH!!  Yeah!!!!  I know tennis, I LIKE tennis!  I want to do that!"  
He really is pretty good at it!  Once again, we're happy he's choosing things he enjoys.  And like Craig said, tennis is another one of those sports he can play some day, so it's a good one to encourage!
Daddy enjoys taking him out to the courts to practice.  It's been such gorgeous fall weather lately!  One evening after school we were all home together with nothing to do (a rare thing!) and so we all went out to the court and Kerigan and I played "volleyball" and blew bubbles while daddy and Andrew played tennis!
Then we all grabbed KFC and had a picnic at the park!  This was probably the last beautiful evening before it started getting cold! 

Happy fall!