
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

fall catch up

Do you all ever feel like this?  Ha!  This is my excuse for my lack of blogging lately.  Every weekend I have plans to sit down and put together some updates and by Sunday night it hasn't happened and I'm feeling like this!
We went to a wedding of a dear family friend of ours a couple weekends ago in downtown Des Moines.
I had always wanted to take the kids to the sculpture park and the wedding was right by it so we got there a little early and walked around!
This is the grandmother of the bride, Jean, my second "grandma."  Growing up at the lake during the summers, Jean and her family were our lake family.  Jean is the sweetest lady and best cook I've ever met!
The wedding was so neat, they had these little baskets of pom poms that we tossed on Nicole and Greg as they walked by!
Andrew getting ready to toss them!  He couldn't wait!  Ha!
Anytime we go to a wedding Kerigan thinks the bride is Cinderella.  She was super excited as "Cinderella" was getting ready to walk in!
Andrew dominated the dance floor all night!
Beautiful decorations!
Ga Ga and her boy!
Papa's girl!
Nicole with Kerigan- she was such a beautiful bride!  And an even more beautiful person inside and out!
These two.  They love to have sleepovers!  So sweet.
I picked Kerigan up from day care this day and she had had an accident so she had to wear her pants I had left for her.  She had a striped shirt on that day, and she just looked SO FUNNY!  Her polka dot shoes on backwards kinda completed the look, dontcha think?
The kids got a certificate for free Mini Murph pizzas from Papa Murphys and they have loved making their own pizzas!

Ga Ga spent the night and got to take Kerigan to preschool the next day.  It was so much fun for both of them!
She took pictures and documented her whole day and sent it to me at work and it made my day!  This is Kerigan working on her name with her teacher.
Ga Ga and Kerigan- precious picture.  They are both pretty smitten!
We went with some friends to a favorite restaurant in town and we were all out of our seats at the restroom, going to the car for something, etc and when we came back Grace and Andrew were sitting here so cute, like they were having a date!  Ha!
After a rainy football game this fall we went back to my friend Angie's house and Andrew wanted to feed Piper.  It was so precious.  He just loves her!  
Andrew had to get new hearing aids this fall- his other ones were giving him issues.  When we went to the appointment he was fascinated with this diagram of the ear.  Better yet, they had a TV screen and could watch the ENT remove his ear wax!  It was SO gross for mommy, but I video taped it just for him!  He was cracking up, it was so funny!

A couple posts ago I blogged about getting our new cat, Belle!  This was the kids shopping right before we got her.  We had so much fun in the cat toy aisle, ha!  
I think we spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure out what all we needed.  They were so excited!
Then my favorite part is that the cat adores the person in the house who likes her the least.  Ha!
I was cracking up in these pictures because she just crawls right into his lap or arms and the best is when he's asleep and doesn't even notice!
This was just precious one morning I walked in and they were both in Kerigan's room with Belle and Andrew was reading books to her!
Everyone just loves her... well, except Craig!  But he's adapting!
My favorite thing is watching Andrew with her.  He just adores her, and she will sit on his lap and cuddle and it's his favorite thing to do when he gets home from school.  She always runs to greet him.
I have to admit, I am a cat person.  It's taken me a while to remember how fun they are.  She just has the best personality and she keeps me company when Craig works late.  I love how she crawls in my lap whenever I sit down.  When I'm trying to work on the computer I also get lots of assistance- ha!
It's been fun adding her to the family!  (Although when she's naughty and I call her "Belle Huegel!" Craig says, "Um, she's not a Huegel."  Ha!)
I went to pick Kerigan up from Awana one night and she looked like this!  I about died!  It was clown night!  Ha!  Such a sweet little clown.
The kids have both been doing so good at Awana this year and memorizing their verses.  Andrew is asking lots of good questions and wants to know more.  I just love their hearts and love for Jesus!