
Friday, February 27, 2015

snow, ice & valentines

I figured I better get some of these pictures posted before this month is over!  It's already starting to warm up and we've had unseasonably warm weather the past week.  The snow is already melted and everything is now a muddy mess!  But first, back to some of the last days of winter!
We took the kids sledding at Payton's Papa's farm.  It was a perfect place to sled and the weather was so gorgeous!  They had a blast!
Sledding with Angie and Payton!
My sweet boy

This was the crew!
For the longest time Andrew has begged for a fast sled!  He loves this one he can go on his tummy.  I got it on sale at the end of the season last year and he loves it!
Mommy had to take a turn!  It's fun to be a kid at heart sometimes!
Andrew got to ride the snowmobile with Chad and he was just in heaven!
Kerigan's turn!
We got to go to our cousin Evelyn's birthday party and she had an ice skating party!  None of the kids had ever been ice skating and it was so much fun!
They all just had the best time, even though they fell a lot!  Ha!  Andrew and Jayden stuck together the whole time.
First time ice skaters!
I was so proud of Kerigan too!  She couldn't wait to get out there and never wanted to stop!
Kerigan with the birthday girl!  Her big cousin Evie!
Look!  No hands!
I love the way she's looking at Grandpa here
Some grandma time!
The birthday kids!  These two were born 4 days apart!  We will never forget when Andrew was born early and everyone was expecting Evie to be born as she was overdue!  Craig called all his family and they all were so surprised to hear from us!  Ha!
We had a special Valentine's Day!  The day before was wear red day for the American Heart Association so we all wore red!
I had posted it on Facebook and many teachers and kids showed up the next day at school wearing red- it was so sweet!  This is our awesome nurse Jess.  She called us in the morning and had us come down and she had gotten special heart cookies for Andrew and I and she was wearing red!  She is so thoughtful!
After school Ga Ga and Papa came to surprise the kids with Valentines!  They were so happy!
And Ga Ga surprised mommy with these!  These are our amazing sugar cookies and we were just talking about how my mom doesn't make them anymore but she used to surprise me with them in college.  So when she brought these in I could have died!  I was so excited and they were sooooo delicious!
This is the best mama ever!
She knows the way to my girl's heart is through strawberries!
The kids were so excited to bring their Valentine boxes to school.  Kerigan kept saying she wanted a Sofia one, so we did a castle and put a picture of her and Sofia from Disneyworld on the front.  She loved it!

Of course Andrew wanted a Skylander box!  I had no clue how to do a Skylander (and it had to be from the new trap team!) so there were no ideas on Pinterest.  So here you go, the first Skylander trap team box- it is the character "Snapshot."  We did our best and it turned out pretty cool!  Andrew and all his friends loved it!
I got to sneak down to Andrew's class party for a bit.  They were having ice cream sundaes and opening their boxes.  Here he is with his two best friends Eli and Gavin.
This cracked me up- we went to pick up Kerigan after school and he put his box in her car seat when I went out to get her!  Ha!
This was the aftermath the next morning.  And just another reason why I shouldn't sleep in and let these two out of my sight!  Ha!
They loved playing the games Ga Ga got for them!
Andrew brought this home from school and I thought it was so sweet and asked if it was for me (of course, since it says "I love you the most!"  Ha ha!)  He said, "Nope!  It's for Ga Ga!"  Ha!  So there you go, mom!

As everyone is posting pictures of their spring break vacations this week, I am a little jealous because we don't really get a spring break so we have a work week ahead.  But we are planning a little getaway next weekend to meet my mom and Jim when they get back from Arizona and we can't wait!  Spring is definitely in the air!  I love this time of year!