
Saturday, March 14, 2015

pi day at SCI

Despite my lack of blogging, we have been having lots of fun around here.  Perhaps that's the reason for my lack of updates!  Bear with me as I try to play catch up... 
Technically we don't get a spring break.  I have learned since teaching in my new town, that most smaller towns don't get them either and some people never grew up having one.  That just seems crazy to me!  I have never NOT had a spring break!  So I'm adjusting.  We get a couple random days off here and there, but no full weeks at a time.  Sigh.  Anyway, Andrew had been begging to go to the Science Center with his cousins.  So I texted Rachel and surprised him and they met us there!  Andrew could have exploded he was so thrilled.
(photo courtesy of the Des Moines Register)
The cool thing was- we were there on Pi Day (if you don't know what that is, look it up!)  Our niece Evelyn was walking in the door as they were starting to write the number around the building so they chose her to write the first numbers and this picture was in the paper!
Jayden and dinosaurs.  It doesn't get much better for him!
There was a neat dino exhibit, the kids all enjoyed learning about them and doing the scavenger hunt to find them all.

This is always the fun room!  The kids could spend all day just in this room.
They have huge bubble bins and Kerigan just loved it!

The conveyor belt is Andrew's favorite thing here.  Ha!  It cracks me up but he could just do this for hours.  They put play food on it and roll it up and watch it drop.  It's the little things- ha!
She loved picking up all the food and dumping it out for Andrew!  Which made his job so much easier!
They always find this amusing- you stand on stage and see yourself on the TV where they film the news, and if you cover in green you become invisible.
They like to experiment watching parts of their body disappear on screen!
This speaks for itself- lol.
Then in another room there are more experiments that keep them entertained for hours. 
I'm pretty sure she didn't get the concept here, but she could have cared less!  She just loved playing in the water!
Andrew's favorite thing in this room is the legos and racing the cars he makes.  I'm not sure how come I can't get him interested in legos at home, but here he could spend hours doing this!

Little miss plopped herself right down in the middle of the legos! 
His face cracked me up here.  They build their own rockets and then launch them (or I should say, the parents build them and then they fly them!)  He was thrilled with how far my handywork went!  Ha!

The space room!  
I'm guessing not too many people out there can say their cousin is their best friend.  I am so happy for Andrew that his truly is.  These two are two peas in a pod.  Best buddies for life.  They are blessed to have each other.
We went back to Uncle Jay and Aunt Rachel's house for pizza and to watch the Iowa State game.  It was a perfect day.  We topped it off before heading back home with a trip to DQ for ice cream!  Don't you love it when kids are old enough to sit at their own table?  Ha!
This little girl pretty much thinks her big cousin hung the moon.  She loves getting Evie's hand me down clothes and princess dresses!  She always says "Evie gave this to me!"  So much sweetness in this picture.

More attempts at celebrating a lack of spring break... coming soon!