
Friday, March 27, 2015

mini spring break

I had to post a couple of pictures that I forgot in the last update when we went to the musical at daddy's school.  After the show, the cast members all came out and even though she was super tired, Kerigan wanted to meet Belle.  The kids all were having a fit over how cute she was and took her right up to see her and Beast.  Kerigan was so thrilled!

We decided since we didn't get an official spring break, just Monday off, we would head north to Minneapolis for a long weekend and meet Ga Ga and Papa after they flew in from Phoenix!  
We stopped at this fun sandwich place called Which Wich?  It was so unique and fun!  You pick out these bags and mark what you want and what toppings and then just give the bag to them and they make your sandwich!  The kids loved it!
Even more they loved our hotel room with a whirlpool tub!  They pretended it was their bed!  Ha!
Once we met up with Ga Ga and Papa, we all headed to IKEA.  At the top of our "must do" list!  Andrew and Kerigan played in the child care area, but they only allow them to stay for an hour (which isn't even close to how long it takes to go through IKEA!  Ha!) so afterwards here was his form of entertainment.
This is Craig's pained expression and how he truly feels about being in that store- Ha!  He was as bored as Andrew, so he took the kids back to the hotel!  Prime shopping time for Ga Ga, Papa and mommy!  Woo hoo!
We picked up pizza on the way home and just ate it at the hotel and swam all night.  The kids had a blast.  We love just hanging out and enjoying the hotel and visiting with each other!
This has quickly become our favorite hotel- it's in Edina.  They have a huge pool and it's nice and warm!  And at night it is all lit up with lights under the water and it's so pretty!
And they didn't get enough swimming in the pool so had to take a dip in the whirlpool tub back in the room!
Andrew wanted to sleep in Ga Ga and Papa's room so he cuddled up with Ga Ga and played on the iPad before bed.
The next morning- more swimming!
And more whirl pooling!
We seriously had so much fun with this tub!
The girls all went to the new outdoor outlet mall in Edina.  It was awesome!
We had a great time shopping!
Someone got tired and crashed!  And yes, I rented this stroller for $5.  Best five bucks I ever spent!
The minute we got back to the hotel she had to put on her new pajamas I bought (with her approval!  I can't buy her pajamas anymore because half the time she won't wear them so I always have to ask her if she likes them first!  Such a girl!)
Ga Ga and Papa gave daddy his birthday presents before they headed back to Iowa!
We asked Papa and daddy to bring all the sacks from our shopping trip up to the room and Papa joked that we had bought so much and brought them all up on a cart!  Ha ha!
Andrew loved his new shirt!  Ha!
We had to say goodbye to Papa and Ga Ga and we stayed one more night.  They had been on a long vacation in Arizona and were ready to get home.
So that night we went out to the Mall of America and looked around and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp!  The kids loved their meals in these little boats!
We loved this restaurant!
We had wanted to take the kids to the Rainforest Cafe but they are remodeling so we chose here and are so glad we did!
They liked these shoes "Run Forrest, run!"  Even though they've never seen the movie!  Ha!
Then when this girl spotted this Barbie car, it was all over!  Ha!
We went to check it out and they have a huge Barbie Dreamhouse Experience she was dying to do.  It was Sunday night so the mall was about 20 minutes from closing, so we checked out the outside of it and promised to come back on Monday.
She couldn't wait!
Daddy took Andrew to the arcade upstairs and Kerigan and I walked around and tried to get some last minute shopping in before stores closed.  The stores closed before the rides, so we made it with about one minute to spare for a late night carousel ride.  She was the only one riding and she loved it!
We met back up with daddy and Andrew at the arcade and played a while longer.  They stayed open later!
Air Hockey is one of Andrew's favorite games!
I couldn't believe it but when we were driving back from the mall, it had snowed!! A lot!  The roads were very slick and it took us a long time to drive just a couple of exits!  We then found out that my mom and Jim had witnessed a car crash on their way home so they stopped about 45 miles away at another hotel!  We wished they had stayed another night with us!  But we were glad they were safe!
After that slick drive back to the hotel we went swimming, of course!
We all loved how you could see the snow falling outside through the huge windows.  Even though we really didn't want to see snow, we had to admit it was pretty!
Enjoying the hot tub!
On our shopping adventures my girl and I had picked up some cookies for bedtime snacks!
We love snacking before bed at hotels!

Part 2 coming soon!