
Monday, March 23, 2015

taekwondo & friends

Andrew continues to enjoy Tae Kwon Do and is just doing amazing.  His instructor asked that we finally move him up to the older class, which I had been resisting because it is much later in the evening and longer.  It is a much bigger class and we usually don't get home until just before his bedtime so it makes for a busy week.  But his instructor said he was more than ready and he would never progress or learn more if he didn't move up.
So two nights a week are very busy nights for this little man, but he is learning so much and we are so proud of him.  For a few weeks he had to go an extra half hour to learn his forms for testing so he could move up to his next belt.  I have to admit I thought he would never be able to memorize the forms after I watched him the first night.  But he proved me wrong!  He knew them like the back of his hand!
This was testing night.  All the bigger kids (higher ranked) are in the front and so he's a little farther back, but he did a perfect job on his forms and got his new belt!
 He is so good and can kick really high!
Getting his new belt!
He was so proud of himself!  And we were proud too!
These are all the kids that got to move up to their new ranking.  His next belt will be orange.  For now he has Hawkeye colors, which is even more motivation to move up!  Ha!
Andrew with Master Hala.
Little miss stayed with Mandy while Andrew had his testing.  She had to pose in her dress.  I can't get her out of the house without a dress very often!
Emily made Andrew this sign, so sweet!
The other night when daddy had a game, the kids and I went to have dinner with Ga Ga and Papa at the new OP that opened in their town!  We were so excited!  The OP (Other Place) has been one of our favorite places to eat at the lake for years. 
There was a Cyclone game that night so we all had our ISU gear on!
Kerigan actually took this picture (which is why it's blurry!) Andrew and Papa!
My girl loves taking selfies!
Andrew went back to Ga Ga's and my girl opted to go to Target with me!  She is a girl after my own heart!  My little shopper!
One weekend we met our old friends from before we moved at Red Robin.  Yummy food and awesome company!  Kerigan and Kenna were in day care together and best buddies.  They had missed each other and picked right up where they left off!
Same with Drew and Andrew!  These two were in day care together since they were 2.  I love how we have kept in touch and they continue to attend each other's birthday parties.  I love their mama and we always have so much fun getting together!
Kenna had a movie birthday party and Kerigan just loved it!  She got to bring her sleeping bag and her baby and wear pajamas!
Here were all the girls!  What fun!  These were all Kerigan's little friends from her old day care.  I can never tell if they remember each other because she always acts so shy!  But after a while they are playing like no time has passed!
Happy birthday sweet Kenna!
Kate wanted me to bring Andrew so Drew would have a buddy to play with!  Can you tell they were both super happy about that?  Ha!

It's always fun reconnecting with old friends!