
Thursday, July 16, 2015

4th of july fun: the beach!

The next morning we had a yummy breakfast at the hotel (one of the kids' favorite things about the hotel is making pancakes or waffles in the morning!) and then went swimming!
Their other favorite thing about hotels is the pool, of course!
This girl has turned into a fish this summer with 2 sessions of swimming lessons.  She has a great backstroke and can swim on her tummy the whole length of the pool.  Probably the biggest accomplishment for her is jumping off the edge into water over her head and going all the way under.  There is no way she would have done this at the beginning of the summer.
We are super proud of both of them in the water!  Andrew is going to take private lessons again this fall.
After pool time we headed to the lake for a boat ride to the beach!
Our little captain!
One of the kids favorite things to do is anchor the boat near the beach and walk up to the shore and play in the sand.  They got busy right away making sand castles!
Sweet girl!
Andrew did so good making a little moat around his castle!
He was so proud of it!
These two
They were having a rare, sweet moment!  Ha!

They loved digging their feet in the sand and having the waves come up over their toes!
Andrew loves to jump into the lake off the boat.  Kerigan was watching him so closely and wanted to try it so bad but she just didn't get up enough courage yet!
She was so cute sitting there like this grinning at me!
After a great day we packed up and headed back in to head to visit my aunt and uncle on their farm for dinner!  We had to pack one more fun event into our 4th of July weekend!