
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

4th of july fun: campout & carnival

This girl.  She insists she isn't tired and hates napping.  I don't push her too much to nap unless we are going to be out late or doing something fun in the evenings.  Sometimes she'll still konk out on her own though!  She cracks me up.
We kicked off 4th of July weekend with a backyard campout!  The weather was perfect.  Not too hot and no humidity.
Thank you Pinterest for this genius idea.  Peanut butter cup s'mores?  Yes, please!
The kids always have fun roasting marshmallows!
And burning them!  He loves setting them on fire over and over again.  And then giving it to daddy to eat!  Gross!
She finally decided she likes s'mores now, not just the chocolate!
Daddy set up the tent and we hooked up the mini DVD player and picked out a movie!  The kids were loving it!
They enjoyed watching "Harry and the Hendersons" (Isn't that the most perfect choice for a backyard camp out?  A movie about big foot!  Ha!)  They loved it and laughed the whole way through.
This was on the summer bucket list and definitely a first for them!  They couldn't wait to sleep with daddy in the tent!  And everyone stayed outside the whole night!  I got the big bed and the whole house to myself!  It was a win-win.  For me anyway!  Ha!
The next morning we headed up to our favorite 4th of July place- Clear Lake!  It's just not the 4th without a boat ride!
The kids enjoyed some rides at the carnival downtown too!
Her smile!  Do you think she was having fun?
Selfie while waiting for the kids on a ride!  Clear Lake is where we were married so it's fun to go there and relive the good old days!  Ha!
These two went up to ride the big slide, I couldn't believe they let Kerigan go by herself but they said she was big enough.  But then they sent her down with her brother!  She was a little terrified I think.  Ha!
I guess she's big enough to ride most of the rides by herself now.  Where has the time gone??
And speaking of going on big rides all by yourself.  This guy!!
Rode this huge big kid ride all by himself!  And loved every minute!  I have to admit I was a little nervous, but he did great!
My sweet family at one of my favorite places on Earth.
After the boat and carnival we headed the hotel to check in and Kerigan was going to nap so she'd be awake for the fireworks.  Everyone else ended up napping except my little man and I, so I took him down to the pool!  We enjoyed a good 2 hours of water fights!  I got in, got my hair wet and just had a blast with my sweet boy!
When we got back to the room, I got out of the shower and saw this.  Even Andrew laid down and fell asleep by Ga Ga!  Daddy- out in bed #1.  Kerigan and Papa- out in bed #2.  Ha.  I just had to laugh!  No I didn't nap and I ended up having to wake everybody up around 6:30pm so we could eat dinner before heading to the fireworks!  I am not a napper!  I never have been.  I hate how I feel when I wake up- still groggy and I can't seem to snap out of it.  I would much rather sleep in in the mornings and stay up late!
We had a nice dinner at Ruby Tuesday's and sweet girl decided she loved daddy's strawberry lemonade and took it from him!  Ha!
After dinner we walked around for a while since we were a little early for the fireworks.  We always like to take the kids to our wedding spot- the historic Surf Ballroom!
Best spot to watch- overlooking the lake on a beautiful porch!  It was such a gorgeous night! 
There is nothing quite like watching fireworks over the lake, and Clear Lake's fireworks are among the best I've ever seen.  They always are.  
Little man with his Ga Ga
We always enjoy homemade ice cream after the fireworks!  Yum!

Up next- Clear Lake day 2!