
Saturday, November 7, 2015

more life lately

I'm still so behind and need to get caught up before Christmas!  So here we go!
This is my nephew's sweet daughter, Lucy.  She and Kerigan are 3 months apart and Lucy's mom started a food business a while back.  She hosted a practice class for kids and invited us!  It was so much fun!
This kids just had a blast!
She already had the dough made up and the kids got to roll it and cut out!
Then decorate!
Andrew gets really into this now that he can do most everything by himself.

Since we were close to Ga Ga's, we stopped to spend the night before heading to Craig's parents house the next morning for a funeral.
Ga Ga and Papa have a new park right across the street from their house!
The kids have already had so much fun playing there, and for many more years to come!
You can see the whole park right from their house.  Prime location for these two!
That night mom and I took Andrew to the Peanuts movie.  But they didn't have a poster of it so he wanted to stand by the Good Dinosaur one.  Ha!  He was wanting to see this too so he was thrilled.
Attempt at a selfie after the movie!
The next morning we got up and headed to Craig's parents house for an unexpected visit.  Craig's Grandma Huegel passed away- she was a few days away from her 95th birthday!  An amazing lady.
They had a room downstairs at the funeral home where the kids hung out for a lot of the day, but it got to be long so we took them for a walk and they loved playing in the leaves!
The Huegel cousins (just missing 2 littler ones who didn't come on the walk)
Andrew could not have been any happier to get a bonus trip to be with his cousins a couple of weeks before our trip for Thanksgiving!  Even under the circumstances, it was nice to see everyone and spend some extra time.
So one area my kids are deprived (and there aren't many! Ha!) is that they never get to play in leaves.  We all live in new construction (both sets of grandparents and us!) so there are no big, old trees with fun leaves to jump in. 
So they definitely jump at the chance anytime they see them to play in them!

They all had a blast!
These are all of Craig's cousins on the Huegel side.  He has a ton on both sides!
These are all their kids!  Our kids are the oldest because Craig's dad is the oldest of his siblings and we all got married and had kids first!
We had to take Monday off from school, and when we got home there were tornado warnings!  So we were all hiding in our basement storage room.  With Belle of course.
Our neighbors texted me this picture they took of our house from across the street!  The rainbow was amazing!  I love this picture of our house!
In other news, Kerigan finished up swimming lessons.  We decided to alternate sessions for her, so she does them twice a week for 6 weeks, then takes 6 weeks off.  We have an awesome YMCA and both kids have loved taking lessons throughout the year.  It's kind of nice it gives us the summer off and this way they keep up with it year round.
She loves building with her legos.
Andrew is learning about autobiographies at school and he had to write about himself.  These were notes he had to fill out first and he brought this home.  I thought it was so sweet that we have been on a lot of family vacations in his life- including Disney 3 times.  And the best vacation he's ever had is seeing Nash- his baby cousin in South Carolina.  We have taken a road trip there the past couple of summers to visit and Andrew has loved it.  We can't wait to see Nash and Mary again at Christmas!

I think that's a start of catching me up!  More to come soon...