
Saturday, November 21, 2015

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

These pictures were all from November.  We were so excited because we had warning of a big blizzard that was supposed to come middle of the month.  We were so excited!
First we had to get some shopping done!  Ha!  Ashley had given the kids a little assignment where they all had to find places in town that started with certain letters.  Kerigan picked Kmart for "K."
Then Angie and I thought we better hit up Hobby Lobby... you know, because decorations are the most important thing to be prepared with in a blizzard!
Then we got out the tree.  And watched Christmas movies.  And yes that's an 8 foot ladder.  I know.  I have to admit, this is the 2nd year for our 12 ft tree and more than once I asked myself what in the world I was thinking!
But a little of this made it better!
The Friday before the big blizzard (because of course it was over a weekend, so no school would be missed.  I think Mother Nature must've wanted to make everybody mad!  Ha!) We went to Kerigan's school for her Thanksgiving Feast.  She was so happy and proud to have mommy and daddy both there.
It started snowing in the afternoon.  My class and I were anxiously watching it out the windows... we couldn't wait to get home!  I picked the kids up and whipped up some chili.  Because you just have to have chili during a blizzard, right?
Then the kids got out their Christmas tree and decorations in the basement.
They had a great time watching Home Alone and hanging their special ornaments!
I spent most of my evening upstairs decorating the 12 footer...
With some help from Belle, of course!
So I can't decorate without watching A Christmas Story.  It's my all time favorite movie and I know every line by heart.  I just watch it over and over when I'm decorating!
And an after shot...finally relaxed on the couch with the Hallmark channel and some hot chocolate.  Bliss!  I think it took me 3 1/2 hours from start to finish.  And that's just the tree.
These two.  Ha!  I love it- all cozy on the couch with Christmas movies in the background.
We woke up to this!
The kids were so thrilled and happy!
They could not get outside fast enough... I think we held them off until 8am!

Andrew would hardly stop for me to take a picture!
I'll never forget the first time I brought her out to play in the snow...
She was not a fan.
Ha!  And right about now I'm wishing for all the snow we had back then!  This was in 2012.
This snow was all melted the next day!
They love coming in and having hot chocolate!
That night it was super cold out so our town's Holiday Stroll didn't bring out as many people. 
They still had the parade and lit the trees!  We were too cold to do the carriage ride, which was a bummer!  We also missed seeing Santa.  But we got to see him plenty more times this season- coming soon!
After the parade we met some friends at our favorite local pizza place downtown.
The kids were well entertained so us grown ups could have some social time!  Ha!
The Holiday Stroll always marks the beginning of the season.  It gets us in the mood for Christmas!  I love getting my decorations up early so I have time to enjoy them!  I actually got them up later than I wanted to this year.  The season just goes by too quickly.

Thanksgiving up next!