
Saturday, November 28, 2015

thanksgiving traditions

I'm determined to catch up!  And some extra "stay home days" this week with sick kiddos, I was able to get a few things done!  Now strep throat can LEAVE and visit someone else before Christmas!  Ugh.
Moving on.
We have loved making it a tradition every year to see Disney on Ice at Thanksgiving time.  We skipped last year since we were doing the real Disney, but we were happy to continue the tradition this year!  We were happy to find out this year that the same show was playing in a different town the weekend before Thanksgiving!  It's always hard to juggle this Thanksgiving weekend as we always leave town that Friday-Sunday.
So we went the Sunday before Thanksgiving and had lunch with our friends before the show!
Some sweet girls right here.  And Piper is wearing Kerigan's Rapunzel dress!  I can't believe Kerigan was ever that little.
I had to reminisce with a picture from her 2nd birthday.  Oh my girl.  Stop growing so fast!
Prince charming had to get in there!  Ha!
Sweet friends
I scored us almost front row seats!  We were right by the ice!
This cracks me up.  This is what it's like trying to take their picture.  Ha!
This was mainly a princess show, but they had the characters that were in the movies like the Dwarfs, the mice from Cinderella, etc.  So Andrew was happy too!
Everyone's favorite was Maximus!
Enjoying the show!  Disney never disappoints!
At the end they brought out all the princesses!  It was so awesome!  The girls were in heaven!
The only part that is unfortunate is they don't let you meet the characters!  Since that is our favorite thing!  Ha!  The kids ask every year... and that's the big difference between this and Disney World.  Well, that and no rides- ha!  I guess they have to set themselves apart somehow!
It was a great show!  It just always makes us want to get back to Disney World soon!  Disney has this way of pulling you in! 
Afterwards we went to Cold Stone for some ice cream!
And that, my friends, is a cookie.  Topped with cookie dough.  Yes please. #yesiatethewholething
The night before Thanksgiving break we had so much fun just hanging out and getting pizza.  Kerigan wanted curlies in her hair!
Here's the next morning!  The kids were both so excited for a few days off!
This girl.  We were having fun taking selfies!
Just enjoying our stay home day in our pj's!
Papa and Ga Ga always come the day before Thanksgiving to help get the turkey ready.  This time they brought presents!  And some silly gifts, mostly for Belle!  We laughed and laughed at the cat "bells" from Papa to match her name!
Jim always likes to play jokes and we love it!
These are some fun grandparents right here!
And grumpy cat... seriously.  If you haven't watched this movie, you're not missing anything!  Ha.
This picture of Belle with her presents cracked me up!
We always go shopping for Thanksgiving necessities.  Kerigan must push her own cart.  It's a tradition too!
We ran into our friend and neighbor, Heidi!  Kerigan LOVES Heidi.  She was so happy to see her!
Then we came home and got the turkey ready!
They couldn't seem to help this year without fighting over the turkey- Ha!
So they had to take turns.
Finishing up with Papa
This one cracks me up- he looks like he's up to no good, doesn't he?
Getting ready to wash her hands!  I'm like "Don't touch ANYTHING!!"  Ha!  She thought I was funny chasing her into the bathroom.  Then I got out the bleach.  Ha!
I'm not a fan of raw meat.
We always watch a movie and snuggle before bed because Ga Ga and Papa spend the night, which they love!  Someone couldn't make it to bedtime...
We woke up in the morning and got out the games!
And Andrew got out his magic kit because we had just seen a magician at dinner the night before.  It got him interested in it again!
They had fun doing tricks!
Andrew couldn't wait to see the little red things pop up out of the turkey!  Ha!
I posted on facebook that you wouldn't be seeing any cute pictures of them in matching Thanksgiving outfits.  Of course they have them.  And this was hard for me to let go... ha.  But we didn't leave the house all day.  So we wore jammies.  And ballerina tutus.  Cause that's how we roll on stay home days.
Both kids read a little something while we were eating.  This was Kerigan practicing.
Andrew reading his special story he wrote and typed all by himself.
He was so proud!
Her sweet little story of what she was thankful for.
Andrew loves the turkey leg!
After our meal we all relaxed and watched Inside Out.  And can I just say- what is the deal with people getting all bent out of shape about putting Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving?  I don't get it.  This is my all time favorite atmosphere.  We don't skip Thanksgiving.  We just enjoy it amongst our Christmas decorations.  I need to get the decorations up early so I have time to enjoy them!  Otherwise, you blink and it's all over.  And lets face it.  My 12ft tree is not worth all the effort if it's only going to be up for a month.
Thanksgiving is like the beginning of Christmas to me... and the kids always love going through the toy catalogs.  I had to laugh at Andrew's writing here.  "Want badly."  Ha!  Guess we know what he's asking Santa for.
Our last Thanksgiving tradition is the arrival of Buddy on Friday morning with a North Pole breakfast before we head to Grandma and Grandpa's house!  The kids were so excited!  This year Buddy made muffins and left his mess all over the kitchen!
I spent about 5 full minutes laughing at this.  It is a joke around here that I am currently obsessed with online shopping.  Every time Craig comes home there's boxes on the front step.  One time our friends brought Kerigan home from tumbling and she couldn't even get to the door!  I was doubled over laughing.  #addictedtoamazon.
So in lieu of Black Friday shopping, I choose to shop in my pj's, snuggled on the couch with my blanket and iPad.  Yes, please.

Bring on the Christmas season!