
Saturday, December 12, 2015

christmas traditions

Every year a tradition has been making my great grandma's sugar cookies.  They are just the best cookies in the world, even though they are super high maintenance!  Ha!
Every year we choose a weekend and make the dough- usually 4 batches.  Then we refrigerate them overnight and bake them all the next day.
The rolling and cutting out are probably the kids favorite part!
Ga Ga always comes over to help with the project!
Little helping hands...
Andrew has done this with us since he was old enough to stand!

This was one of his first times helping!
And this was Kerigan's first year of "helping!"  I can't get over that little stinker face of hers!
She still has it!
This was last year- I love Andrew's face!
Ready to bake! (2014)
I love to see how much they've grown each year (2014)
I had to laugh because usually daddy stays out of this project (but he joins in on the eating part!  Ha!)  But this year he came up for a little while and helped!  It was a true family project! (side note- I normally don't decorate my cabinets with bows.  That was the handiwork of our elf, Buddy!)
Then we always freeze the batches and frost them another day!
Otherwise it's just too much work for one weekend!
Our sweet helper- she loves to help us in the kitchen!
Andrew wasn't as into helping this year but we got him to come up and frost a few!
He's getting so big
Working hard!
I just love this little project- cookies made with love!  And we always have plenty to give away on Christmas platters and munch on the whole season!
And isn't seeing Santa always a tradition?  It seems like this year we saw him at least 5 different times!  I always like to plan an outing to Bass Pro because I love their Santa, but we really didn't need to this year because we saw him in a lot of different settings!  I think in my next several updates there will be at least one picture of the kids with Santa!
This morning we went to a little coffee house in town that was having cookies with Santa and professional pictures by our favorite photographer in town.
It was such a fun event!
This little girl just fell in love with Santa this year.
We went with friends and had brunch afterwards!
Santa even came around when there was no line and said hi to the kids eating breakfast!

Andrew looks about 12 to me in this picture.  They are both growing up so fast and I'm praying these "Santa" years last a few more years!  I treasure them and the magic they bring!