
Saturday, December 19, 2015

dancing to visions of sugarplums

This sweet girl has been loving her dance class this year.  We got to go to parent watch night to watch her class.
I can really tell a difference this year- she is learning so much and getting to be quite the little dancer!
I'm so happy she continues to love dance!
Watching her always brings back so many memories of my dance days!
No words....

She has definitely gained confidence
And has made new friends in her class.
I'm so proud of her!

She had her Christmas dance recital the first weekend in December.
She was so excited!
They met Santa (again!)
What they wanted for Christmas this year never wavered... A Rock Star Barbie and the new Skylander Superchargers game.
She just loves Santa!  Isn't it funny how quickly they go from screaming on his lap, to this?
Waiting for her turn on stage!
They did a beauty and the beast Christmas song so they wore capes!
The Christmas recital is always more laid back and just fun.  You can come and go when it's not your turn to perform, and all the songs and costumes are simple and Christmas themed.
Lining up!
I just took several pictures of her dancing on stage- she had so much fun and knew all the steps!  She's on the far left (in picture above).

I love my little dancer!
Can you tell she's a daddy's girl?  Although today I said to her "You're a daddy's girl aren't you?" and she said "I'm mama's girl too!"  Yes you are, sweet baby.  Yes you are.
She also loves her Papa and Ga Ga and they are proud of her too!