
Monday, March 7, 2016

life lately

Attempting to catch up with things over the past month!  We've been having lots of fun with friends and cousins!
At the last minute I decided to throw together a party for the Superbowl.  We had lots of yummy snacks and I threw a pork roast in the crock pot and it was a perfect evening!
Then it was funny because the next 2 Sundays after that I had friends over for soup!  We joked that it was becoming a regular Sunday night thing!  I've never looked at having friends over as "company."  I love entertaining and being with friends.  It's not work to me.  It's just fun!
Our local theater performed the play Mr. Popper's Penguins so we went with our friends!  One of the penguins let us take a picture with him!  It was a great show!
After the play we all went to our house for dinner again!
It seems like the weekend is never complete without a trip to Hobby Lobby!  Kerigan and Payton had fun finding all the Easter things to play with!
Kerigan was invited to her friend Olivia's birthday party.  She had so much fun- all her little preschool friends were there.
They did face paint!  She just loved this and never wanted to take it off!  Why does she look 13??
One weekend our cousins came over to play!  The weather was just gorgeous and they had a blast roller blading and riding bikes around the pond and playing at the park!
I think she's ready for a bigger bike this year!
Kerigan and cousin Evi realized they had the same shirt!  Ha!
Then my little tumbler had pictures so I attempted to make her hair look like tumbling hair!  Yes I googled hair style ideas!  Ha!
For my first attempt I think it turned out pretty good!
Kerigan with some of her sweet tumbling friends Brooklyn and Avery.
And here's her sweet picture.
Our school had Family Reading Night and I took the kids since Craig was busy with a game.  They love to play in my classroom. 
This is one of our fun Kindergarten teachers!  Kerigan was so excited to stand by Cat in the Hat!  And she thinks she's going to Kindergarten next year... we still haven't decided!  Ugh!
I can just imagine my baby sitting here listening to stories and learning so much next year!  She's growing up way too fast.
So then the stomach flu of 2016 hit our house.  And it was not fun.  Kerigan was first to get hit with it mid-week and woke up about 11pm saying her tummy hurt.  She wanted daddy so he slept with her and stayed home with her the next day.  Then 2 days later, poor daddy got it.
Kerigan was so, so sad because she missed Wacky Wednesday at her preschool.  Andrew felt so bad for her so he made a school and had Wacky Wednesday for her in the basement!  It was the sweetest.thing.ever.  I love this kid!
She had to have the next day home also because she had a fever so I stayed home with her and aired out the house and bleached everything.  Belle went nuts when I opened the windows in Kerigan's room!  Ha!  Those birds chirping wouldn't have a chance if this cat got out!
To top things off, it was our conference week at school.  I still had a couple of conferences on Friday morning when daddy was sick so after they ended I went home and picked the kids up.  I dropped Andrew off at the Y to go swimming with the day care kids and took Kerigan to school with me so Daddy could rest.
Luckily no kids had school that day so she just played in my room while I worked... until the Y called that Andrew was sick!
At that point I almost lost it!  Luckily his was short lived and he was better the next day.  After the weekend I thought we were all in the clear until I got it that Monday afternoon!  It was just awful and had me down for 2 days.  I am hoping we got it out of the way and can kiss sickness goodbye for a while!  I'm ready for spring!  (P.S. yes our cat really is almost as big as our kid! Ha!)
After missing all that school my little man had already had a couple of appointments scheduled in Des Moines so we took a day off and had a great "non-sick" day together!  We stopped at Jethros yummy BBQ for dinner on our way home!  I loved having a date with my sweet little guy!
The next week we had a Wacky Wednesday "do over" since Kerigan had missed the week before.  Her teacher let her wear her wacky outfit to school and had brought the book over while she was sick so we could read it together.
We had dinner on the patio for the first time this season.  We were all celebrating being healthy and nice weather!

Bring on Spring!