
Saturday, March 19, 2016

cheers to 40 years!

On March 12 my handsome hubby turned 40!  
The months leading up to this, I knew I wanted to do something special for him because he works so hard and does so much for us!
So I planned a big "Bobcat/Sports" themed surprise party!  I dug through all his old photos and had them blown up, made a banner and lots of Bobcats to decorate with!  I made posters out of his old football and basketball pictures!  I thought this was very appropriate for the Athletic Director of the school!  Ha!
 This all was no easy task, as my mom (aka main source of help!) was out of town and I couldn't tell the kids (I knew they would spoil it!)  Not to mention two weeks before is the week the stomach flu hit us, so I had to figure out how to get all this done amongst taking care of sick kids, myself, and a sick hubby!

Thankfully, I had the help of friends and a great neighbor who let me keep all my craft projects at her house!  We pulled it off and he was totally surprised!  
I hosted it at the Roundhouse, which is the high school gym.  We put this garbage can out so he would walk into the gym to pick it up!  Otherwise I knew he would go to his office first.  This is everyone hiding behind the bleachers waiting to surprise him.  The kids could not wait- they were so excited!

Craig had a large part in the multi-million dollar renovation that took place there last year.  He loves giving tours and telling people about it, so I knew he would enjoy doing this for his family and friends he hadn't seen in a long time.  All his coaches and administrators were also invited.  To get him there I had a friend on the Roundhouse committee set up a "fake" tour with some potential donors!  He totally fell for it.  And it was the only way to get him there and have him not be sitting around in his pajama pants!  Ha ha.
This man is the announcer of all the games and activities for the town and thinks the world of Craig.  He announced Craig when he walked in!  Craig's mom and dad are on the right and our friends little girls are in front, looking like they are part of our family (which they practically are!)  Ha!
I love his smile here.  His siblings, parents, high school friends and many local friends came to join us!
I had some of Craig's favorite foods catered.  He loves to eat, so I knew he would enjoy this!  Ha!
I wish I had taken a picture of all the food but we had stuffed mushrooms, pickle wraps, pizza pinwheels, sandwiches and more... and cake, of course!
Craig's parents and most of his siblings- (minus one brother) it meant so much to him that they all came!
Our families and kids!  It was fun to surprise my kids too- we left the house and they thought we were going to a movie!  Instead we went to our neighbor's house to change clothes and go to the high school to meet all their cousins!  They were thrilled!
Our family
The kids were so excited to surprise daddy and they had so much fun all day!
These are my people.  Couldn't have done this day without them!
Me and my bobcat! Ha!
This is two of Craig's very best high school friends, Tim and Jeremy.  Jeremy drove all the way from Missouri to be here.  They all enjoyed reconnecting!  Both these guys were in our wedding and I don't think we've seen them since.  It was so special that they came.
Andrew and his only 2 boy cousins.  He loves them more than anything!
The kids all had fun playing in the gym!
Kerigan with our friend Emily and cousin Evelyn
My sweeties
This girl adores her Grandma!  In case you couldn't tell!
Here is Craig doing his thing... giving a tour!
The Roundhouse is just gorgeous!
After the party I planned an "after" party at a local restaurant and had our close friends and family join us.  This is Kerigan with two of my sweet friends Heidi and Mandy (Kerigan loves them both!)
Cousin Brooke!

We had such a great day celebrating Craig!  Thanks to everyone who came to the party and helped make his day special!