
Sunday, March 27, 2016

spring break in KC!

Ga Ga and Papa travel to Arizona over spring break every year and we always love to go meet them to pick them up from the train station.  Sometimes they come into Minneapolis, sometimes Kansas City- and this year it was KC!
We had a half day of school on Friday and the third graders put on skits for the parents!  They had written this story and acted it out.  Andrew was so excited about it!
He was happy because he had the best part! #roar
We were so excited at 11:30 when school got out!  I texted this to my mom to let her know we were on our way!  
That night we took the kids to Dave and Busters.  This was my view when daddy and the kids were playing games.  I got myself an adult beverage and perused Facebook!  #yesplease
They love D&B.  Personally I feel it's a little chaotic, but I enjoyed my alone time while waiting for the food to arrive!  Ha!
Going for a night swim in a hotel is one of their favorite things.  We couldn't wait to meet Papa and Ga Ga the next day!
Kerigan got up super early with her daddy as usual so she wanted to go to the train station to pick up Ga Ga and Papa!  Andrew and I stayed in bed, sorry mom!  Ha! #shesinherpjs
Once we all got up and had breakfast we hit the Legends shopping area.  I could live at this place- love it!  Selfie with my shopping partner!  #shesthebestshopper #shelearnedfromthebest
We love to have dinner at the T-Rex Restaurant!
We always walk around and take pictures and see all the dinosaurs while we wait for the food!
This time Kerigan wanted to Build a Dino.  Andrew has done it the past two times but Kerigan never liked this restaurant before (she was always too scared of the big dinosaurs!  Ha!)  This time she decided she liked them.
She had to pick a pink one, of course.  And this is also the first year she would stand by this dinosaur! #growingup
Another night swim- with Papa and Ga Ga this time!
Worn out!  Ha!
Andrew was mad at us because we wouldn't turn the lights off at bedtime!  He was crowding Papa and Ga Ga in bed!  Ha ha.  He loves to cuddle with Ga Ga.  After a while he went with Kerigan in the roll away bed!
Of course after hotel breakfast we have to do a morning swim too!
I think everyone there thought we were crazy!  Either that or a super fun family- ha ha!  Craig and my mom kept getting into water fights with these squirt guns and once my mom squirted another little boy!  Ooops!  Ha!  Luckily they were nice and were laughing at us.  We like to have a good time wherever we go!
We hate when it's time to check out and leave! :(  Can we just live at the hotel and have fun all the time??  Papa set Kerigan's stuffed animals up like that and she thought it was so funny!
Before heading home we stopped at Crown Center- another favorite!
We weren't planning on seeing this guy- but he was right inside Crown Center!  A fun surprise.
The kids love Legoland.  We had to skip it this time and Andrew was disappointed, but are planning a fun surprise trip this summer to Legoland California and we can't wait!  I'm pretty sure it will top this one!
We love the exhibit at Crown Center- this time it was exploring animals!
The kids always have fun here!

Bear cave!
There are all kind of tunnels and places for them to hide and climb and run!
We love eating at the "train restaurant!"
Who doesn't love a train delivering your food??
Time to head home and back to reality after a short spring break mini vacation!  Until next time KC!