
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

dance recital magic!

Kerigan's dance recital this year was pretty much a dream come true!  Full of Disney magic.  That's our kind of dance recital!
Kerigan's dance teacher is Miss Kimi, and we love love love her.  She is amazing and has taught Kerigan so much.  My favorite thing is before all the little girls go onstage she kisses them.  It is the sweetest thing and she truly loves what she does.
I just love how her pictures turned out this year!
She was so excited the night before her dance recital we did foam rollers so her ponytail would be curly.  They didn't have to do buns this year, which was kind of a fun change!
She was LOVING putting on make up like mama!
The girls were lining up for their dress rehearsal during the week!  They were so sweet!
Kerigan had 3 dances this year.  This was her tap routine to "Mickey Mouse March."  It was the second dance of the night after a long ballet ensemble, so the audience was super thrilled and cheered when these cuties came marching onstage!
We got such a kick out of Mr. "I'm not going to her dance recital it's SOOOOO boring!"  He was enthralled!  Ha!  At least with the first 45 minutes or so. 
They held up letters that spelled MICKEY MOUSE!

There was one little Mickey in her class!
Watching my baby on stage just never gets old.  I wish she was in every single song!
This was her ballet routine to "Zippidy Do Dah!"  The choreography was really cute!

Then they had this adorable kids production to "It's a Small World" and each kids class dressed like a certain country.  Kerigan's class was from France!  Aren't they adorable!?
For the kids production everyone is responsible for getting their own costumes for the theme assigned to them.  Kerigan was a french "chef!"  Ha!  I loved it.
This was a neat "backstage" shot!  It's a lot of kids... but she's there!
Finale!  I love how she's holding Miss Kimi's hand (this was the rehearsal).  She is always wanting to be right next to her teacher!
Then these three girls just melt my heart...
They started off in the same class in the fall and I ended up switching Kerigan for scheduling reasons and I was sad to move her from her best friends, but it worked out the best for her.  She had a smaller class and learned so much.  But she missed Lily and Annika- although she got to see them every day at preschool and day care!  So she didn't miss them too much!  Ha!  Their costumes were Jessie from Toy Story- super cute.
This is one of my sweet fourth grade students, Lucy.  I love that I know so many kids at the recital and they all love Kerigan.  Lucy got Kerigan a rose, it was so thoughtful!
After her recital it was very late (10:30pm!) and both sets of grandparents and her brother were waiting for us to shower her with flowers and gifts when she came out.
She was so happy!
He sat through 4 hours for her... that's love!  Ha!
Her fan club
My sweet little dancer
I was bummed the recital got over so late because the kids were really too tired to go somewhere to celebrate, so we just had pizza at our house before it started, and then afterwards she opened her gifts before bed.  You would never know this was taken about 11pm!  She was wide awake and so happy!
I went with a non-traditional gift for her- She loves Shopkins so I got her the "fashion" set and she was in awe.
Ga Ga got her this special Minnie snow globe!
It was just the best time and we are so grateful to our family for coming to support our girl!  
Here's to many more years of being a dance mom!  I love it!