
Thursday, May 19, 2016

life lately

I have posted this on Facebook and sort of forgot to post it here... but this is pretty much our life lately.  You know, besides dance recital, baseball, getting ready for tumbling nationals, finishing up school, etc...

We decided to throw a move into the mix.

We've loved our little town, we really have.  And I love our house.  With all my heart.  We've made some of the best friendships I could have ever imagined.  And we are going to miss living here.  But Craig got an opportunity he couldn't pass up.  And it's time to move on.  I'm sure I'll have more to say on this topic later.  For now, our heads are spinning with house showings, trying to keep things clean while finishing up school.  Why does May always seem like the busiest time of year?  Ask me again in December, but man, this time of year is overwhelming.
This was us on the weekend before Craig's interview.  He showed me the school and athletic facilities of where he would be interviewing (we were already familiar with the town).  We had dinner and drove around looking at homes.  It was a beautiful evening.  We knew this would be a tough decision.
But hey, this boosts it up a bit!  Seriously?  A Mac n Cheese bar in a grocery store?  #yesplease.  Oh, and there's also a Target.  So that's a plus. 
In the long run we both feel this is the best move for our family.  It still hasn't quite sunk in for me.... so for now we just keep enjoying our friends and wrapping up the school year.
Ashley took these sweet friends to watch the big girls in their dance studio perform their competition dances.
They had so much fun and went out for ice cream after.  I think of all of us, this move will be hardest on Kerigan.  She has the sweetest friends (and I will miss their mamas so much!)  We are only going to be about an hour and a half away, so we will keep in touch!
The other night Andrew watched a movie that scared him and wouldn't sleep in his own bed.  So we let him come to the couch until we were ready to go to bed.  Look who crawled up and went to sleep with him?  I loved this so much.
The day after we listed our house we had 4 showings set up.  And we were not prepared.  We needed to call in reinforcements so Craig's brother's family came to help us move some big pieces into a storage unit.  And Jayden got to spend the night.  These boys are going to be a little farther away from each other also, but I promised them the miles will not change a thing.  
They are so blessed to be cousins and best friends.  That's a strong family bond right there that can't be broken.
We've been taking advantage of this gorgeous weather and having lots of BBQ's with our friends!
This kid.
I was dying laughing at Angie the other night we had them over for dinner and she had to put her sunglasses on because the sun was shining in her face through the window! #windowproblems
Kerigan got to feed this guy.  And she informed me that she would make a great big sister.  Yes you would, sweetie.  #notgonnahappen
So she'll have to settle for her Bitty Baby if Parker's not around.
For Mother's Day this year the kids and daddy woke up and made pancakes!  A first for Craig!  Ha!  It was so nice to be waited on!
I could get used to this scene!
My mom and Jim came and we celebrated with brunch at the Tremont, a fancy restaurant in town!
It was delicious!  These kids love their Ga Ga!
It was a beautiful day so we took some pictures on the deck!
I love these two babies who made me a mommy!
And we are so blessed to have this special lady in our lives!  She's one in a million!
Mother's Day evening we wrapped up the day with a little bike ride in the neighborhood.  In our boots.  Ha!  This girl is now using her new big girl bike that was her cousin Evie's.  I offered to buy her a new princess bike because we had to sell her old one (it was way too small) and she wanted to use Evie's.  So sweet!
I have no words.  I told him to make a princess face and this is what he did!  This kid!
I just love gorgeous evenings outside with my family!  
It was the perfect way to end Mother's Day.  My kids getting along and playing together while daddy and I visited on the deck.  #heaven
Mother's Day weekend our hubbys all sent us out to see the movie Mother's Day!  We LOVED it!  It was so funny and such good girl time!
In honor of Mother's Day... I posted this on Facebook for my mama!  Love her more than words!
Andrew had his music concert at school.  He's in the front on the left in the stripes.  My students also performed so I got to go to practice with them and watch him twice.  I love being at his school so much... that's another thing I'm going to miss.
Intently playing his instrument
Andrew has had the best school experience here and has learned so much.  We've been so lucky.  I mean, what's more fun than a music teacher with purple hair? #hesawesome #kidslovehim
They had baseball pictures the other day and his coach texted this picture.  I loved how Andrew was standing there so tall and smiling so big!  Love him. (Top left)
Kerigan went to church with friends the other day so we could stay home and get ready for a showing.  She was so excited.  Apparently her latest "no ruffle" rule doesn't apply to this outfit.  She wants to wear it ALL the time.  #diva
And bless our friends' hearts for taking her for us so we can keep the house in some sort of order!  You can see what happens when she's home!  Ha!  Our neighbors have taken her several times, as well as other friends and family.  She's at a really busy age right now!
Lately they discovered that their favorite place for a sleepover is now in Andrew's loft bed.  Kerigan can get in and out by herself and I think she feels like a big girl.  So they beg to do this every night and Andrew reads to her.
They are just precious and I hope the sweetness lasts into the summer!  I'm working on chore charts and "getting along" charts so I don't lose my mind!  Ha!

Bring on summer!