
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

let them be little

I saw this on Facebook the other day and almost died when I saw it.  Isn't this unbelieveable??  Why does time have to go so fast?
So.  My baby graduated from high school preschool.
Why does this picture make me feel like she's moving out and going to college tomorrow?? #slowdowntime
 It seems like just yesterday that I registered her when she had just turned 3.
We did curlies the night before and can you tell how excited she was when she woke up?
She just looked precious. 
She wanted a picture with her backpack on!  Ha!
We brought this big bin of summer fun for her teacher as a last day gift!  It was almost bigger than she was- ha!
This poster was set up with all the kids photos that were taken professionally.  Why do they try to make us momma's blubbering, sobbing messes on this day??
This was sweet.  Kerigan's is at the bottom in pink.  She said God was "in Heaven."  I love that girl.
They came walking in to pomp and circumstance...
They sang the sweetest little songs for us...
The letters and sounds song!

The kid next to her was killing me!  #hispoorparents
My girl sang every word and did every action.  I was so proud of her!
Kerigan with Dr. Herrick- the principal
And her amazing teachers Mrs. Lustyk and Mrs. Ricken
I loved her smile here.
And here :)
 Whenever she's asked who her best friends are, or who she wants to invite to her birthday party, or who she wants to play with she will always say Lily and Annika.  We are SO SO sad to be moving away from these girls and their moms.  Kerigan is going to be lost without them.  They have been in day care, preschool, tumbling and dance together for 3 years.  I can only pray and pray some more that she will find these rare and blessed friendships when we move.
Her fan club :)
We adore our sweet girl more than words can express.
So do her Ga Ga and Papa.  And she pretty much thinks they hung the moon...
Why does she look like 16??  Ugh!
We LOVE Mrs. Ricken!  She had the kids make a precious little book for them to remember preschool.
We walked outside the church and I saw this little bush and told her to stand by it and this is what I got.  I love this girl!
She knows how to rock the camera, doesn't she?!
After her ceremony we took her to Applebees for a special lunch.
She was so happy!
I took the rest of the day off so after lunch we went home and had a fun afternoon with Ga Ga!  We made cookies.  She loves to help in the kitchen so I knew she would love to do this.
Then she wanted to get her pj's on and relax!  It was my idea of a perfect day.  Celebrating my girl... and relaxing!  Ha!
Speaking of relaxing...that weekend we celebrated with pedicures!
The ladies just loved her and were doting all over her!
She was on top of the world at this point.
Then we did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby.  Seriously?  #summerjuststarted

We had an amazing day and weekend celebrating our girl.  

Hats off to the graduate!

And because I love comparisons... 

My babies on their Preschool Graduation days... be still my heart.