
Thursday, June 2, 2016

last day of school

What??  These aren't your typical last day of school pictures?  Ha!  The kids were very excited on this morning... do you think they were trying to make me late for school??
Her sass... it just kills me.

I have no words for these... he has grown SO MUCH.
And this girl... 
they are both my world.

Andrew and I had our last day of school on the 31st so Kerigan still went to Ashley's.  This is Andrew and his awesome teacher Mrs. Pfantz.  
I snuck outside during 3rd grade lunch to snap a picture of him eating with some of his friends.
These boys were Andrew's best friends- Gavin and Ronnell.  I think every single day Andrew came home with a funny story of something hilarious that Ronnell did.  And Gavin?  That kid has had Andrew's back for the last 3 years.  No one messes with Andrew because they'd have to deal with the wrath of Gavin- Ha!
Our school held a carnival for the last 2 hours of the day.
Daddy even picked up Kerigan early from Ashley's and she was so excited to come!  Can you tell?
This was so funny to watch her try to eat this donut with no hands! 
They had all kinds of games set up, bounce houses, prizes, etc.  It was supposed to be outside, but rain was predicted and coming in on radar in the afternoon so they moved it indoors just in case.  It didn't end up raining, but it was fun inside anyway!
I thought this was a great idea- because seriously?  Who learns anything the last 2 hours of the last day of school anyway??  Ha!
So we just had FUN!
These two... how can they be a year older already??
Andrew's turn doing the donuts!  Ha!
He got his face painted by his favorite art teacher Miss Williams.
He said he wanted a mustache so she gave him one... and a beard to match!  This kid.
Tossing bean bags to knock the balls over!
These are a couple of my students.  Lucy is by Kerigan- she takes dance at Kerigan's studio too and Kerigan just loves her.
They all went on a lot of the bouncy houses together!
Then Kerigan ran into another dance friend who is in Kindergarten at my school!  Sweet Kyla!
Kerigan was so happy she had friends at mommy's school too!
So this was such a funny story.  These giant crayons were given to each classroom for teachers to draw a name at the end of the day.  They were technically an incentive for parents to leave their kids at school and not take them home early.  So after the carnival we met back in our rooms for the drawing.  I let Kerigan pull a name, and she picked Lucy!!!  Ha!  It was so funny... then, look who came running down the hall...
Ha ha ha, Andrew's name had been drawn for their class crayon!  I died.  And like I need this giant thing sitting around my house that I'm trying to pack up!
Andrew and his principal, Ms. Williams... and a giant crayon. :)
Andrew came back for an hour the next day with me on my last day as I was finishing packing up my classroom.
He wanted me to take his picture outside next to everything so he could remember his school.  Sweet boy.
Our last day at Hoglan together.  There's been nothing better for me than to have been here with my son the last 2 years.  They were the best 2 years of my career because of it.  Getting to walk down the hall and peek in his classroom, seeing him wave at me in the halls, attending his special class parties... there's just nothing like it.  We have been blessed.  I will treasure those years with all my heart.  I would have loved to stay and be with Kerigan during her years there, but God had other plans for our family.  I have to believe that this is the right move for us, and things will continue to work according to His plan.

Just for fun... a look at "last days" over the years...

 The first 2 of Kerigan she wasn't in school but I took her picture on Andrew's last days!

And here's to a busy but fun filled summer!  Looking forward to our next adventure!