
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

school's ALMOST out for summer!

*I'm behind again, catching up- this is from May...

Why does May feel like the busiest time of year??  I feel like if we can just get through May, we can enjoy summer and not be so rushed and swamped with activities!  It's all fun stuff... but our calendar has been full!
The kids have each had lots of school events to attend.  Mine and Andrew's school had field day the other day.  I was so excited because the 3rd and 4th grades had it together so I got to see Andrew!  I was busy taking video and didn't get many pictures!  But this was Tug-of-War, which is one of Andrew's favorite things!
The biggest news is that Andrew won FIRST PLACE for one of his events!  This is Mr. Cutright, his fun P.E. teacher.  Andrew just loves P.E.  He is such a fast runner so he picked 2 running events this year.  I think maybe track and field could be his niche??  The words "heart defect" don't even phase him!  Nothing stops this kid!
Daddy brought my girl to school to watch part of it and she came in my classroom and my students loved it!
They were teaching her all about using their chrome books!  Ha!
I found this on my desk the other day.  Loved it!  I'm going to miss these 4th graders!  I just wish we had lasted one more year so Andrew and I could have been in 4th grade together!  
Our school also had a family picnic another day and Andrew loved eating with daddy, mom, and all his friends outside!  We had just enough time to eat and play before a predicted rain storm came through later than expected!  So it worked out perfectly!
Andrew has had the best teachers the past 3 years we've been in this town.  This is Mrs. Pfantz.  She is due any day with her first baby!  We are so excited for her!  She has been such a blessing for Andrew- this is her first year of teaching and she's young, enthusiastic, and loves teaching.  You can't ask for more!
Then my girl had fun fest at her school right after Andrew's field day!  They had bounce houses and all kinds of fun, games and friends!
The kids all had so much fun playing together!  These are two of Kerigan's best friends, Sophie and Gianna.
Sweet Olivia- these two were also in dance together and are such good friends!
This was kind of a creepy Pooh and Tigger- ha!  But she loved them!
Lily and G!  We've been so blessed Kerigan has made the best of friends here.  We hope she is as lucky when we move to our new town!
She was so excited to do this bungee cord challenge!
They have to run and then the cord pulls them back.  She thought it was hilarious!  We ended the night playing with friends at the park until after 9pm!  Is it summer yet??
My girl had to fill this out for her teacher for Teacher Appreciation week at the beginning of the month.  I seriously could not believe what a good job she did.  She had help spelling.  But that's it.  How is my baby writing this well and ready for Kindergarten next year??
She was so excited since she has a summer birthday she got to bring treats for her class to celebrate before the end of the year.  She picked May baskets!  She wanted to draw pictures and write each child's name on them.  She remembered every single person's name in her class, it was so sweet.
Taking a kitty break!
The last couple week at Ashley's have been lots of fun!  They took a field trip to Reiman Gardens and my mom got to join them since she lives in town!
Kerigan was so excited to have her Ga Ga and her best friends with her!  Ashley said that seeing Ga Ga there was all she talked about in the car the whole way there!
Annika and Lily!
My mom said they had a neat Lego exhibit of different animals.  The dragonfly and peacock are made completely of legos!  So cool!
They had this neat outdoor structure the kids could play on.
These girls are just the sweetest!

That almost catches me up to summer!