
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

bbq, water balloons & cousins

We kicked off 4th of July weekend with a grill out and Papa and Ga Ga's.  This girl like to help Papa!
We did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby.  Ha!  Andrew calls our basement his man cave- so this is so perfect for him!
And more ice cream... because 4th of July!
We spent the night at Ga Ga and Papa's so we could get up the next morning and head to Grandpa and Grandma Huegel's.  They were having a celebration for Craig's aunt.  All the grandkids were going so even though Craig had to work, I took the kids by myself and we had a great time!
9 cousins.  My kids are so blessed.
And the only 3 boys.  This picture makes my heart melt.  Andrew adores these two boys more than anyone else.  He has always had a special bond with these two and he is so, so lucky to be best friends with his cousins.  #huegelboys

Aunt Rachel did Kerigan's hair- My goal is to learn how to do this before we cut her hair!
Nothing like a girly girl with a Nerf gun!  This is one of the cousins favorite things to do- Nerf gun wars in Grandma's basement.
At Grandma's they played a mean game of cousin kickball!
Evie was helping Kerigan and she ended up loving it!  I think she loves dance and tumbling but she also is going to be my sporty girl too!  She just loves everything she does- I love that about her.
Aunt Rachel brought water balloons and the kids had a blast doing this!
These pictures just crack me up.  I wanted to have them get a partner and toss the balloon back and forth and they were not having it!  They just grabbed and blasted each other!
This girl!  HA!  Saying she was going to get me!
Lately Kerigan has loved being a big girl and helping the kids smaller than her.  It is so sweet to watch.  She was sharing her balloon with her cousin Kenzie.
And Uncle Keith gave lots of rides on the gator!  What could be better??  He let them all take turns sitting in the front.

After our weekend we celebrated the 4th of July which was on a Monday this year.  More fun coming up!