
Thursday, June 30, 2016

father's day, hearts & VBS

Right when we got back from our vacation, we celebrated Father's Day that weekend.
We went to Zeno's with Ga Ga and Papa and then came back to our house for cake and presents.  We are so blessed the kids have 3 special men in their life- a wonderful daddy, Papa and Grandpa!  
Just catching up with more summer fun lately- one day Ga Ga came and spent the night and we had a movie night and watched Finding Nemo.
We had to see it before watching Finding Dory!  Check out these reclining movie seats! #yesplease
This new theater opened nearby and I think I won't ever be able to go to a normal movie theater again!  Ha!  This was AMAZING.  We brought our blankets and kicked back!  And we all loved Finding Dory!
Angie and I have a summer bucket list, so we crossed off painting at Messy Missy's one day!
The kids love to do this.
Payton and Kerigan were excited to paint Dory!
Andrew had his last baseball game at the end of June.
Payton and Angie came to watch.  After the game Payton came running up to him and said "Good game, Andrew!"  So sweet.
Baseball sister.
Of course we had to hit Culvers after the game!  These three are so silly.
We celebrated with our heart friends at the Help A Heart Silent Auction and dinner.  I made this puzzle piece of Andrew for the tables a few years ago and they use them every year.  He was excited to find his puzzle piece!
Rapunzel was there, which made this girl super happy!
Local mascots come and interact with the kids too!
I love that she is still mesmerized by princesses.  #clingingtotheseyears
Heart friends Emily and Grace!
Then the kids went to VBS with many of their friends during the last week in June.
The theme was Egypt and they learned a ton about the story of Joseph and Pharaoh.
Sweet Parker.  Every night the pastor cooked a delicious meal for everyone!  It was awesome and a bummer when the week was over!  Ha!
Angie's husband, Chad, played Joseph all week.  Andrew came home every night so excited and telling us so many stories.  He loved learning from Chad.  We are so blessed to have these volunteers and friends that minister to our children!
Lily and Kerigan!
This was Andrew's tribe group
Kerigan's tribe
The kids built this wall and they were so proud of it!
After VBS my girl was the only one that wanted ice cream with me so we went!
Ev's with my girl!
And as if these two haven't had enough togetherness, we had Payton over for a play date before VBS one afternoon.  They had so much fun tumbling on Kerigan's mat!
Then they wanted the cleaning supplies out and listened to the Annie soundtrack on the iPad and danced!  Ha!  It's so funny because I used to play Annie as a kid and clean my dad's garage floor.  At least they didn't ask to go in the garage!  Ha!
Then they played princesses! 
They definitely kept busy and entertained themselves for the afternoon!  I love these sweet girls!
One afternoon we had a picnic with Ga Ga in the park!
 We have been having way too much fun with Snapchat these days... ha!  Nothing can kill an afternoon more than Snapchat.  We always pull it out when we're ready to just sit and hang out and relax.  It's so fun to have nothing to do!  #welovesummer #weshouldbepacking

I think I'm finally caught up with June updates!  Onto July fun next!