
Sunday, June 5, 2016

silly string summer

So in an effort to catch up I'm combining pictures from before and after our vacation and posting this first, then I'll move onto our trip!  
I saw this on Facebook the other day and it made me chuckle.  I used to teach summer school back in the day, before Craig and kids.  And I loved it.  But these days it's just not in the cards.

So this is how we started our first day of summer vacation!

We had planned to meet our friends for an innocent last day ice cream at Ev's celebration... then they get out of the car and start squirting us with silly string!
We still got our ice cream... but a war ensued!
Andrew was beyond excited about going to sneak up on daddy at school!
Here we go!
There was a baseball game going on...  but that didn't stop these kids!
I'm pretty sure I've never seen Craig move this fast!  Ha ha!
He was a good sport!  And the kids will never forget this fun evening with our friends celebrating summer!
Our first morning at home together, Kerigan decided to scare Ga Ga with a picture of a chicken!  Ha!
They played so nicely together and actually let mommy sleep in!  Then Andrew wrote this sweet note to his sister.  I'm betting this isn't going to last all summer... but it was a nice start!  Ha!
Then some days I get woken up to this and fighting.  Ha!  So it's just a guessing game if I get a sleep in morning or not!
He might kill me for this someday, but seriously?  How does the kid fit into his sisters pajamas and flip flops??
There's just nothing better than friends and summer mixed together!
Baseball boys!
We are taking advantage of these summer evenings with our friends.... Whenever our time together ends, Angie and I always say, "So.... what are we doing tomorrow?!"  Ha!
Then of course we celebrated National Donut Day one morning!
Andrew had a safety camp all day so we had a girls donut and shopping day!
Then we shopped til we dropped!
Icees at the mall!  Side note- we've given lots of Kerigan's clothes to Piper and she's wearing Kerigan's shirt here... I just love seeing Piper in clothes my girl used to wear!
As usual, our kids have been swimming a ton this summer thanks to our best babysitter, Olivia.  They live across the street and have a pool and Kerigan and our other neighbor, Brooklyn, have loved swimming together these days!
Olivia has been keeping the kids for me a bunch so I can get some packing done!  Kerigan used to be scared of dogs by the way- Ha!  We are so blessed to have her and I hate the thought of moving away from such great neighbors! :(
Speaking of great neighbors, Heidi came over one night after I had put Kerigan to bed and surprised her!  Every single day when we drive home and pass her house Kerigan says she hopes Heidi is outside.  So she was thrilled to see her and her puppy!  We will miss her too!  (And we are NOT getting a dog!)  
Then the other day the kids made a tent and wanted to sleep in it.  Sleepover in the tent?  Sure!  It's summer!  They actually slept all night- I was shocked!
My girl did her second year of dance camp and she loved it.  This year's theme was Candyland camp.
This day was dress up like a candyland character.  I admit I had to google this!  Ha!  The only one we could come up with was Princess Frostine!  Her costume looked like Elsa, so we had a win!
Then one of the days they had an American Girl tea party.  These two had a great time!
Dance camp was a hit!

It's been an awesome summer so far!  We've sold our house... twice!  Our first buyers backed out and after our first showing when it was back on the market, we sold again.  We are just waiting for their house to sell now... so we are praying it can happen soon!  Daddy has already started working an hour and a half away and we're ready to be closer together!

Vacation updates coming soon...