
Friday, August 12, 2016

back and forth

So this happened.  Twice.  Why is it we have such a hard time selling houses?  (P.S. right after this picture I got stung by a wasp.  Fun times).  The first people that bought our house backed out after the inspection.  I didn't even know that was possible without some kind of penalty.  I mean, we had signed papers and found a new house in our new town.  We were super annoyed with these people.  Our agent thinks they got cold feet.  So we started all over again and thankfully a few days later we sold again.  
We lived like this most of the summer.  Boxes everywhere, and everything half packed, half thrown all over and half the things we needed we couldn't find.
We were lucky enough to be able to rent from the sellers of our new home for a couple of months since our closing got delayed due to us having to put our house back on the market and start all over.  We spent the end of July moving things out of the storage unit and into our new home.  We drove back and forth (an hour and a half) several times a week, and Craig was driving every day to work.  Thank goodness it was still summer!
The kids were excited to come and "help" unpack (aka- dump everything out of the boxes and find all their toys!)  And Andrew was happy with his new man cave!
I came around the corner after we had been unloading the U-haul and saw this and about died laughing. #movingprobs
We were smart enough to hire movers this time, but we had just a couple U-haul loads to take from the storage unit before moving day.  The day this sucker pulled up reality hit.
And these guys started moving all our stuff as we sat and chatted.  It felt a little awkward but we were sure glad we weren't doing it!
Thank goodness for my sweet friends and our babysitter next door.  Angie took the girls for a sleepover the night before so Kerigan would be occupied.  And Olivia took them swimming at her house on moving day.  #ittakesavillage
Once we moved, since I didn't have a new salon yet we drove back to my old one which I had a hard time giving up!  And this girl decided to chop her long locks.
I was torn, but she was so happy and got to donate it.
She looks so grown up now
Ready for Kindergarten!
We came back to our old town several weekends after we moved for various birthday parties and getting things done at the old house.  We had August and September before we had to be completely out.
So we got to go to Payton's birthday party and it was so fun!
They had the best time and Kerigan was so happy to be back with her old friends!  It almost didn't feel like we had moved yet!

I can't even handle this big girl look. #shelooks13
She wanted to give Payton a Frozen scooter just like hers.
Then the next weekend we went back for Parker's birthday!
I came across this old picture of them the first summer we met.  They were just babies!!
I can't give up my old pedicure place either so Angie and I had to squeeze that in when we were back!
This time we took all the girls and they had a blast! #schooltoes
Getting her Kindergarten mani and pedi!
So the whole day she kept saying "Mom, I miss Lily, can we see Lily?"  And I told her we couldn't this time.  Ashley was opening a new day care center and I knew they were super busy.  So when we walked into Zeno's and saw her family, I about died.  Kerigan just thought it was magic! #bestsurpriseever
Andrew had a birthday party for his best friend Gavin.  So we were back in town another time for this, and I was doing something at the house so he decided to throw paper airplanes over the railing with my packaging materials!  Ha!  I never let them do this when we lived here, so I let them live it up!
The party was at the aquatic center and the boys had the best time.  Andrew is really going to miss Gavin.
This kid always had his back.  I knew Andrew was taken care of when Gavin was around!  Ha!
Then that night we went for dinner at Wendy's and look who we ran into!!!  Kerigan was just beginning to think I was planning these surprise meetings!
I came across this sweet picture of Kerigan, Annika and Lily the first day of day care when we first moved.  These girls have been besties ever since.  They were thick and thieves and I know they all miss each other this year!

So I know they say that when you move, if you want to get to know people and make friends you have to stay in town.  We had a hard time leaving these people and this house.  But once school started we have followed this "rule" and it has made a big difference.  More about our move coming soon!