
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

endless summer

*Ok, I sat down tonight and uploaded a ton of pictures from my phone and created about 8 updates that I'm behind on!  So over the next few days I hope to post every day or every other day just so I can catch up by Halloween!  Then I'm going to back date everything to August!  Ugh.  Life is catching up with me... I have so much to update about!  So starting at the beginning...
In the midst of the craziness of selling our house and buying our new one, I saw this quote and it is totally how I felt at that moment.  I hate when summer ends, but I love fall.  That doesn't really make sense, but it's the way it is!
Sleeping in one morning, I rolled over and saw this.  I think she wants a never ending summer too!  Ha!
My favorite thing to do on weekend mornings is sleep in and peruse Zulily in bed when I wake up.  Angie got me in the mood for the upcoming months!  HA!  I won't say more, but let's just say this shirt is PERFECT for me!  I have to have a little "me" time in December.  Mental health days is what I like to call it!
To get ready for the move, Angie and I had a double garage sale at her house.  The girls had fun playing with all the stuff and I think Angie and I traded so many clothes and toys we barely needed the sale! Ha.
This is what we were told was a low shed cat.  #theylied
Belle found a new home.
This was a cute picture of daddy and Kerigan putting together her birthday Legos.  Daddy always ends up doing most of the work as the kids watch!  
So we love snapchat.  Like every day the kids want to see the new ones and I won't admit to them but I secretly love it too!  We laugh and laugh and have so much fun!
One night Angie sent me a snapchat of she and Chad and so I made Craig do it.  I could not stop laughing.  Craig didn't want to admit it was hilarious!  I was texting Angie and my mom and we were all laughing so hard.  #welovesnapchat
Because we have packed most of our stuff by now, the kids were limited on things to play with!  They got super creative with the fort builder!
We had to have a blizzard on Miracle Treat Day!
Kerigan's tumbling ended with a summer picnic so we went with our neighbor Brooklyn and her mom.  The girls had a blast!
Kerigan had a first- going off the diving board!!  I was shocked she did this all by herself!
They weren't allowed to wear floaties down the slides for some reason, so I was nervous about her making it all the way to the side in the deep end but she did it!  Over and over again.
She was so proud of herself!  #littlefish
She and Brooklyn and Avery went to horse camp this summer!  Last summer she was too young and she was so happy she could go this year.  #fiverocks
Andrew remembered how much fun he had last year and was happy to go again too!

Kerigan's little boyfriend Asher.  These two hung out and were so cute together all week!
Making horse crafts!
Silly boys!
On the last day Shauna and I went to take pictures and watch the kids ride.  It was so fun!  But it was a rainy morning!
This is Andrew and his favorite horse
Kerigan and her favorite
It was such a fun week!
We always look forward to the heart picnic with our friends!  The kids all had a great time playing!
It was kind of chilly, but that didn't stop the water balloon toss!
Andrew was so into this!
We left the picnic and headed straight to Principal Park for the semi finals of Craig's new baseball team.  It was such an exciting game!
Andrew got so into the game!
And this girl just wanted to eat!  She was loving the concession stand food!  She had popcorn, nachos, pizza and ice cream!  Ha!
This was the coolest game I've ever watched.  Craig's team was down by 2, but a freshman hit a 3 run walk off home run!  I've never seen the ball hit outta the park before!  The excitement in the stands was just awesome!
Sister was so tired she couldn't make it to the end!  But this little man loved it!
On our way out he found Ga Ga!  I thought that was pretty clever!  I texted my mom who was vacationing in Alaska and she was thrilled!
Four days before we moved my girls and I had to watch Bad Moms.  It was such a funny movie and a great night!
Afterwards we sat outside a favorite sports bar and were trying to decide what to order when Amanda returns with a huge pitcher of margaritas!  #yes
They had this amazing gas firepit and we all sat around it and chatted about life.
Then we finished the night at our empty house full of boxes, which was kind of sad.  We have had many, many parties and celebrations at this house.  Lots of fun memories and to think I didn't know these girls 3 years ago and now I call them my besties.  I will miss them a ton.

So as much as I wanted moments like these to last forever, summer has to end and we have to move on.  

More coming soon...