
Monday, September 26, 2016

40 years

So I celebrated 40 years in September.  Looking back to my younger self, if you would've asked me what I'd be doing when I was 40, this is it.  This is my dream.  Married to an awesome guy, with two of the best kids anyone could ask for.  

Craig had a nice idea on my actual birthday evening, which landed during the week, to walk around the pedestrian mall and find a quaint little restaurant on the square downtown.
Then this happened.  Pouring.rain.
So we had to move to plan B.
I love the Olive Garden!  Italian margarita for the 40 year old!  #cheers
Nothing would've made me happier than Scratch cupcakes!  #yesplease
The next day was Friday and after school the kids and I headed to Ga Ga and Papa's where mom had a special evening planned for me!
I had always wanted to see the High Trestle bridge all lit up at night.  We have ridden bikes there before but never at night.  So we drove and ate at a yummy restaurant they have there and headed out on the trail!
And it was spectacular.
The kids did so good on their bikes in the dark!  We brought flashlights and reflectors and they just loved it!
What a beautiful evening!
Then Papa thought it would be fun to make me a cake with 40 candles!
This is me, trying to light them all!  Ha!
The kids were scared there was going to be a fire!  Ha ha.
We spent the night and woke up the next morning for our annual trip to Minneapolis!
We have loved doing this the past few years on my birthday and it is so fun!  Minneapolis has always been one of my favorite places so I consider it a great place to celebrate!
I enjoy watching my kids have fun!
Being 4 1/2 years apart the kids don't like to ride the same things anymore so we split up for a while!
Kerigan was thrilled to see the Bubble Guppies!

And one of our favorite places- American Girl!
She decided she wants her next birthday here and this is what she wants as her gift.  Not surprising, a gymnastics doll!
She just loves playing with everything in the store!
This pretty much sums up Andrew's feelings about it!  Ha ha.
But he sure perked up when we saw this!  He tells me its Rock Steady from Ninja Turtles.  #iwouldntknow
On the Bubble Guppies ride!
"Mommy take my picture with Dora!"
They did ride the Diego bus together!
And the merry go round!
I asked Andrew why he picked the pig and he said it was because his butt looked funny!  Ha ha.  #priorities
Then this happened.  My girl was finally tall enough to conquer the Pepsi coaster!  She was beyond excited and wanted to go 100 more times!  And Andrew was big enough to ride by himself too!
My sweet kids and I
They wanted to eat at Bubba Gump even though none of us like seafood!  Ha!  It's just a fun place!  Andrew loves to run so this was so appropriate!
Shopping queen.
Then we ran into a children's museum and they had to test it out!
They had lots of Curious George things!
Back at the hotel we ate Scratch cupcakes in bed!
Late night swim with Ga Ga!
We had a great time!
The next morning at breakfast the only way we could get her to eat waffles was with whipped cream on top!  Andrew's face #priceless
Then I introduced my girl to the important things in life.  Ha!  #coach 
I got myself a birthday purse from my hubby!
When we drove back home we stopped at our favorite Minnesota rest stop and discovered the weather had changed overnight!  It was freezing!
So of course, we warmed our hands by the fire!  Ha!  #onlyinminnesota

I laugh because I can remember the day my mom turned 40 (her words that day should probably remain between us! Ha!)  But let's just say she was a little bummed to be 40 because she didn't like the idea of being old.  Many days I FEEL old, when I see some of my old students growing up and graduating from high school and college... or when I see pictures of my wedding day, or my babies.  But as I reflect on the last 40 years and my life, I have to say I am proud and grateful.  I have many memories to cherish, and an amazing family to do this life with.  Life just keeps getting better and better with age!

So bring it on!