
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

pumpkin patch

So, clearly I've been on a blog hiatus.  When we moved, something went wrong with my phone and computer and I was unable to upload all my pictures from my phone.  Since 99% of the pictures I take now are on my phone, this put blogging on hold until I could figure out the problem.  I am certainly no techie, but I think I finally figured out an alternative option.  

So, even though it's January, let's back up and relive the fall, shall we?

Even though we now live farther away from our favorite pumpkin patch, it is still worth the drive to visit.  So one gorgeous fall afternoon we met our friends for a day on the farm!
The first place the kids usually want to go is the jumping pillow or corn pool.  My friend Angie hates the corn pool so we started here!  Ha.
Andrew was getting some serious air time!
They were just having a blast jumping and "falling!"
This girl #buried
So apparently you aren't supposed to do flips and cartwheels.  Try telling that to this little gymnast.  She was rocking the moves!  
They loved holding hands and all jumping together.  I could not get them to stay long enough for a picture!  We ran into some other friends and the girls were all so excited to see each other!

Kerigan and her friend Morgan.  They were in swimming lessons together and have friends in common and got to be good friends last year!
Next we headed to the giant slides.
Seriously.  She's full of personality.
This was funny.  Craig somehow ended up sitting with baby Parker and Andrew, who was in time out.  Ha!  Yes, I still put my kids in time out in public.  #imsomean
The kids finally begged Angie enough to agree to head over to the huge corn pool.  I have to comment here that Piper is wearing Kerigan's dress!  I love passing her clothes on to good friends and getting to see them being worn again when they don't fit her anymore.  I adored that little dress!
Oh how these two melt my heart and make me crazy at the same time!
Ready for a big jump!
Sweet girls
Of course we had to see the Pumpkin Princess!

And ring the old schoolhouse bell
They always like to play in the one room schoolhouse
Sweet friends
In the farmyard where all the animals are they have different fairy tale character cut outs and such that you can explore and act out the stories.  The kids love it!
They have a mad hatter tea party area set up.  Sometimes Alice actually comes to meet the kids, but we missed her this time.
The three four billy goats on their bridge (and Andrew the troll!)
The little pigs running from the big bad wolf!  Ha!
Where's Goldilocks?
This girl got brave and finally decided she can feed the goats while keeping all her fingers intact.
Piper was cracking me up how she climbed on up there and was determined to "milk" this cow!
She roped the steer- she loves doing this with her daddy.
I think I have a picture of them doing this almost every year.  She loves this view- and this guy pretty much has her heart. #daddysgirl
We found Snoopy roaming around!  They were celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown- so fun!
All the fun things to do and they like to end on the pedal tractors!
I love these sweet people of mine!  I hope we will continue coming here for many more years!

Now that I have my pictures figured out, I'm hoping to update more often!  It might take forever, but it's on my New Years resolution list, so I'm determined to catch up!