
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

more catch up

I say this all the time but there is just nothing better than being with my kids at school.  People warned me that it could end up being a challenge, and for us- it's been the most positive experience.  I think it has a lot to do with my attitude towards the teachers and how situations are handled. There was a time I thought I would be a Type-A overbearing mom (ha!) but being a teacher myself, I think makes it better so I know what NOT to do!  But overall I think the easiest part is that I have two of the sweetest, most respectful kids in the world I'm so proud of them!  Their teachers always speak so highly of them.
The absolute best thing is getting to visit my girl for short periods of time, for her to show me what she's doing at her station, or read me a book from her book box.  These are the most precious times for me.  I am so fortunate to be able to sneak down to her room when my class has recess or specials when I have time.
I am so blessed that her teacher has become a friend and doesn't mind me stopping in a bit!  In fact, she welcomes it.  Her classroom is so fun and cheery, it's one of my favorite places to be!  This day they were doing a Go Noodle dance!
This day they had lunch in the classroom with their teacher and all of them were so excited! (Kerigan is in the back, middle)
Andrew likes me to stay at a distance.  Ha!  Being in 4th grade, he's a little embarrassed when his mom walks in, so I try not to bug him too much.  Although since I'm off in the mornings and his teacher asks for parent volunteers in the morning for science, I jump at the chance to do this!
This particular day even Daddy had the morning off and joined us for water table experiments!  Andrew has the nicest teacher who devotes so much of her time to these kids and helps Andrew with math on her own time after school.  She is amazing and Andrew has the nicest class and group of friends.
Daddy couldn't leave without visiting his girl too.  We surprised her and she thought it was the best thing ever!  Then bonus- Daddy and I got to go out to breakfast together!  A rare treat.
My other favorite thing is when I arrive at school at lunch time, the Kindergarteners are having recess.  I love walking past my girl and she loves to show me new tricks she's learned.
I always take a picture and send to Megan (Avery's mama!)
I think swings are their favorite.  And chasing boys!  Ha!
One time I walked in and saw her doing this!  It just made me laugh.  Someone on Facebook commented that HE should be pushing HER!  Not this girl.  She likes to be tough and show those boys she can do everything they can do! (My mom is laughing right now because she'll tell you that's exactly how I was). ;)
We had our school carnival in the fall and the kids all had the best time.
She did this over and over and over!
They had lots of games and prizes.
Andrew went off with his friends so I didn't see him much!
These two call each other "sissy" and they couldn't be more like sisters if they tried!  They were so excited they got their faces painted.
Showing off her "seriously" shirt.  She thinks it's the best!  Since she has learned to say that word all the time.
I caught up with him at the end and he was showing me all the prizes he had stashed in his locker!
And we had pizza for the win!  In case you aren't counting, that's 4 pieces this girl put away!
Now I'm skipping to the weekend when we went to stay with Craig's brother's family after our visit to the pumpkin patch.  Some other cousins were there for an ISU game so it was fun to catch up with everyone and let the kids play.
Aunt Rachel had them making spider rocks!  They loved this!  Mostly, Kerigan loved being with her big cousins!
They've all taken Gymnastics so they had fun lifting Kerigan and trying to get her to balance!  Ha!
Carmel apples from the pumpkin patch are the best.ever!
Happy boys!
Girls too!  They all squeezed in Evelyn's bed and loved every minute of their girl time.
The next afternoon Evi had a softball game so we all went out to lunch before the game.
Kerigan wants to play softball like Evi.  She watched the game so intently!
Evi even gave Kerigan her old, pink softball glove!  Kerigan thinks it's the best thing ever.
We had such a fun weekend with cousins and family!