
Saturday, October 15, 2016

princesses & pumpkins

One fall weekend we headed back to our old town to attend a birthday party for one of Kerigan's old friends.
Most all of these girls are Kerigan's sweet friends from preschool and she was so so thrilled to see them all again!
Does Andrew look a little sweaty!  Ha!  He and Preston played and had fun during the party!
Then we spent the night at my friend Amanda's with Annika and Gavin.  The kids were so excited to have a sleepover!
The next day we grabbed Lily and Preston and we all went to another pumpkin patch we had been hearing about and the kids had a blast!
Three sweet girls right here
We had wanted to come because we heard Cinderella and her step sisters were here and the girls were so excited!
They were so funny and interacted so much with the girls!
It was fun exploring since we had never been here before.
They loved these slides!
Andrew racing with Gavin!
But the favorite activity of the day was definitely the zip lines.
Even my girl loved it!
Waiting their turn for the zip line!  These three have been BFF's since they were 2 years old.  They have the sweetest friendship and I hope we can always continue to keep in touch even though we moved.
Then they all moved on to this zip line where you could sit.  This one was Kerigan's favorite.
She rode it about 1,827 times.  Literally.  Ha.
We took a little break for lunch.  Pumpkin patch food is just the best, isn't it?  They always have such yummy fall specialties like carmel apples, BBQ sandwiches, burgers and homemade applesauce!
Andrew was coaxed into standing by the princesses!  He's usually a pretty good sport!
We loved Cinderella and her step sisters.  They were just so sweet and chatted with us after we ate.  It wasn't very busy so it was nice to spend so much time with them!
Preston and Andrew conquered the corn maze!
They had this fun obstacle course where the kids climbed on huge tires, balanced on boards and hay bails.
This was one of Andrew's favorite things there.
I had to take this picture because I couldn't believe how dirty he was at the end of the day!  Ha!
And if that wasn't enough to pack into one weekend, we had one more stop in mind for the day...
I had been wanting to take these girls to this castle for several years now.  It is quite a drive away so we just hadn't gotten around to it.  
When we heard about the princesses at the pumpkin patch, I knew this castle was just a short distance from there, so we decided to "kill 2 birds with one stone."
Looking back, I'm not sure it was the greatest idea.  The girls were so filthy and exhausted after the pumpkin patch and we had a long drive home.  You mamas out there know what I mean when you just know you should quit while you're ahead and yet you don't?  Ha. We spruced them up as best as we could for a little princess photo shoot!
They were really sweet and good at the beginning and they thought the castle was super cool.
My girl just wanted to explore and had no intention of letting me take many pictures of her.
When she's tired, her stubborness is magnified by about a million.
You can tell she had been screaming and crying here and I had to bribe her to smile.  You gotta do what you gotta do!  But seriously, it was too much for one day.  I want to take them back again sometime where we can bring a picnic and stay longer!
The little princes waited patiently and enjoyed playing while the princesses had their pictures taken.

A dream is a wish your heart makes...