
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

christmas with cousins

We all started arriving at Grandpa and Grandma's and the kids always have so much fun digging through all the presents to see who had their name (the cousins all draw names- there are 9 of them!)
The kids couldn't wait to play Watch your mouth with their cousins!
This game is just so funny!
Kerigan picked cards she could read and she would just giggle and try so hard to say the phrases!
We always get pizza and everybody brings snacks!
We always bribe them for a picture before opening presents!  Ha!  We were missing one cousin, Kennedy, she was sick.
They were all waiting and listening to grandma to get instructions.  Usually we go around, youngest to oldest.
Abby had Kerigan's name.  She loved the Trolls theme!
Abby also gave her Shopkins so they had fun playing together!  Abby is one year older than Kerigan and the past few times together they have really bonded and gotten to be good friends.
She loved that her jammies came with a sleep mask!
This picture cracked us all up.  Santa and a soldier!  Ha!  I guess I didn't get a picture of Andrew with his gifts but he got Skylanders from Jack!
They love to have a sleepover and fall asleep watching movies by the Christmas tree.
Kennedy was feeling better the next day so her dad brought her.  Kerigan was happy because she had her name and wanted to watch her open her present.
Then the next day we always join Craig's mom's side of the family for a huge Christmas get together.  The kids all have fun playing with their second cousins too!  This year these beads were all the rage.
Craig's grandma is just the sweetest lady.  She never forgets anyone's birthday and always remembers us at Christmas.  She is the heart of this family and we all love her to pieces!
The next day the kids always just relax and hang out in their jammies and play with their gifts.
Kerigan loves Kenzie- the littlest cousin!
After breakfast the girls got dressed in their matching shirts from grandma!
Group picture with Grandpa and Grandma minus Jack and Brooke who had already left.

This weekend always marks the beginning of the holiday season- one of our favorite times of the year!