
Saturday, December 3, 2016

snow much fun!

The kids were getting very antsy about Buddy the elf and if he would find us at our new home!  Finally, on December 1 he showed up with treats and our advent calendar!  They were so excited!
Belle found her favorite spot under the tree all season.  Thank goodness she's too big to climb it anymore!
Just my girl and I chillin in our jammies by the tree with cookies and a movie!
Since Daddy works at the high school, he got tickets to take his girl on a date to see the Wizard of Oz put on by the students.  She was so excited to dress up like Dorothy and go with her daddy.
He even let her bring Avery next door and took them out to lunch!
These girls were so happy and excited!
At the show!
Craig said several people asked her if she was part of the play!  Ha!  She had to get a picture with Dorothy!
We were so excited to get our first snowstorm!  It was so pretty!
We have a huge backyard with a big hill and they kids can go sledding.  All the neighbor kids come out and they just have a blast!

Avery pulling Kerigan!
Of course we come inside for hot cocoa and put our jammies on!
One evening Ga Ga and Papa came and we had dinner at a favorite italian place in town.
And then we hit up Orange Leaf!  Froyo in the snow!  Because why not?
Then of course we hit up Target!  Now this is how you relax at Target!  Ha!
We just love it when Ga Ga comes to visit!  This day she got to come to the kids school and have lunch with Andrew!
Kerigan's class was making Gingerbread houses and Ga Ga was so happy to spend the afternoon with her girl in Kindergarten!
Ga Ga helped me wrap a ton of presents and we stayed up late watching Christmas movies and wrapping.  Belle also had a lot of fun helping us wrap presents!  Ha!
The kids always have fun finding Buddy every morning.  This was a favorite- Buddy's snowman after the snowstorm!
He played with all their Secret Life of Pets toys and brought them the movie!
One morning he was dressed like Poppy!  They loved this one!
He made an igloo out of cotton balls and hid inside!  And made himself a Spaceman, which was Andrew's favorite the whole season.
Andrew used to be the one to write sweet little notes to Buddy, but this year it was Kerigan.  She would come home from school almost every day with sweet little notes and letters to him.
This one is sideways but it is so sweet how she spelled his name, and how she told him she loves him and misses him.
This was the neatest story- the kids had been learning about spreading kindness at school.
Then one busy night between all their activities and Craig was gone so I drove them through McDonald's and the person in front of us paid for our meals!  It was so sweet I almost cried.  It just made my whole night.  It was a perfect opportunity to teach the kids about kindness.
We always love to pick a night and get in our jammies, make hot cocoa and cookies and drive around to look at lights together.  Here we were taking off!
I didn't take many pictures!  We just had a fun evening together.
One of the main roads in town has lighted trees all along the street and I just think it is so pretty!
Then we found the best house in town!
But when we pulled in I couldn't help but think how pretty our new house looked!  So I took a picture of it too!  For years I have wanted a huge wreath like that above the garage.  So excited to finally have it!  Next year I'm decorating the porch, too.  This year I was doing good just to get the tree up!