
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

christmas celebrations

Here we are heading to Ga Ga's for Christmas with Buddy!!  The kids were so thrilled he hid in a jar and left a note saying they could carry him around since they wouldn't be touching him!  They loved this so much!
The kids always love coming to Ga Ga and Papa's.  There's just something special and magical about grandparents and Christmas.
They always have fun surprises up their sleeves!
They love their Ga Ga!
Ga Ga had set out my old dollhouse and decorated it for Kerigan and she just loved it.
She played and played.  It was so fun seeing her play with my old dollhouse that I loved so much!
Of course we had some fun with snapchat!
My little deer!
Then we played pie face.  Because it's just fun.

The kids opened their gifts from Papa and Ga Ga the next morning. They got spoiled as usual!

It was a Shopkins Christmas for this girl!
And Legos and Skylanders for Andrew!
Andrew got a surprise this year and got his Skylander game from Ga Ga instead of Santa!
He was very surprised!
More Skylanders!
Papa always treats us so well and makes the holidays fun for us too!  We love that he always makes pancakes in the morning after we open presents!
She got a vanity mirror for her bedroom that holds all her jewelry, bows and accessories!
She thought it was so cool that it had a key!  Ha!
She had been wanting this- the American Girl ice cream cart!
Her gift from Papa!
And American Girl wellies and socks!
Daddy and Andrew put together Legos a lot of the day!
Thanks Ga Ga and Papa!
That afternoon it snowed and Ga Ga's porch looked so pretty!
That night we headed to my brother's house for Christmas with my dad's side.  We were so excited to see my niece's little boy, Nash!
And Kerigan loves playing with my nephew's little girls, Lucy and Caprice.  She and Lucy are 4 months apart.
The kids exchanged gifts.
These two are buddies
The girls all eating dessert!  And having a very animated conversation!  Ha!
Nash loves playing music, like his Grandpa (my brother) Tim.
I love this picture.  My niece Mary and nephew Lindy, and my nephew's wife, Jenny (on the left) and all our kids.  Mary, Lindy and I grew up together- they have always been like a brother and sister to me.
That night we headed back to Ga Ga and Papa's, put the kids to bed and opened the adult gifts!  We always have fun doing this together!