
Sunday, December 18, 2016

nutcracker, cookies and santa

Probably since before this girl was even born I had dreamed of her, and taking her to the Nutcracker someday during the holidays.  This is something I always did with my mom, and then I danced in the Nutcracker for several years too.
I just knew age 5 was the year I wanted to start this tradition.  So we watched a nutcracker movie, and read stories so she had a background about it.
Then to make the evening extra special, that day I had gone out to buy her new Christmas earrings so she could change her earrings for the first time since her birthday.  She was so, so excited.
We found this little Nutcracker ornament I had from when I was a little girl.  She loved it.
Going downtown to the theater!  A special date with mommy!
She was so excited- mommy was too!
My pretty girl
So, next year, we're doing a matinee!  Ha!  She got so tired she fell asleep after a few of the scenes.  I was a little disappointed but it made for some cute pictures!  Avery's big sister was in the show so she came to say hi at intermission and thought it was funny that Kerigan was sleeping!
By the time the show was over she was completely out and I had to carry her quite a ways back to the car!  I got a workout that night!
This sweet group of friends... Kerigan's friend Ruby in her class had an ice skating party one evening and we had another party to attend the same night so we had to squeeze two things in.
They had so much fun together!  These girls are all in the same class.  I was worried about moving Kerigan away from her old friends and I didn't need to be!  Miss social butterfly has no problem making friends!
After some ice skating, we scooted out and over to Avery's Santa party!  
Every year our neighbors host a party and elves come and everything!  Santa brings a gift for each child and the kids all have so much fun!
Someone was pretty excited to open his Skylander-shaped box!
How does Santa know just exactly what he wants!?
She was pretty excited about her big box of Shopkins too!
Then it's so magical because the kids all go to the window and watch Santa fly away!  They see a spark in the sky and they are all just amazed!
Kerigan with some good friends in the neighborhood.
Ga Ga came to visit for a few days and helped us make cookies, gingerbread houses, and got to visit the kids at school!
Buddy surprised the kids with gingerbread houses and they were so excited and couldn't wait to get started making them!
Good thing Ga Ga was here to help!
Then we made a few batches of our famous sugar cookies.  
These two rarely spend a weekend day apart, so of course Avery came to help with the frosting!  And the eating!  Ha!
While we were doing the cookies, I walked by and found Andrew in his room reading books to his stuffed animals!  I love that he still likes to do this!
I took Kerigan to the mall to see Heidi who was visiting for a Hockey game!  We were so excited to see her and spend some time with her and her boyfriend!
While we were at the mall I took Kerigan to see Santa again.  She was so happy!
And every time we've been to the mall I never have let her ride the carousel because it seems we're always in a hurry, or I never had the right amount of cash on me.  This day, the man running it said she could ride for free because she looked so cute!  Ha ha.  She was so pumped.  And she rode about 3 times!
The holidays are always fun at school too!  Ha!
The teachers had an ugly sweater day!
And the kids had pajama day!  Kerigan is hidden in this picture but her teacher sent it.  They were getting ready to make gingerbread men in the kitchen and put them in the oven!
Then they rolled them out and cut them out in class.
I got to sneak down as they were decorating them!
Then they got "lost" while the kids were in music!
It was so cute, they went to different classrooms asking the kids about their gingerbread men, and they posted signs around the school.
Here they are in my teaching partner's 3rd grade class so she took a picture for me!  When they got back to their room, the gingerbread men were hiding in the houses the kids made the week before!  It was such a clever idea and the kids all loved it!
Kerigan and her super fun teacher Mrs. Halverson. She has made Kindergarten the most amazing experience for our girl and we are so grateful!
 Pajama day is a perfect way to end school for the year!
I saw this on Pinterest and it made me laugh!  There's just nothing like having 2 weeks off!

Bring on Christmas break!