
Monday, February 6, 2017

beat the bitter

One freezing day after school we took the kids and our neighbor to "Beat the Bitter," an event at a park in our town.
I kind of feel like this whole update is about beating the bitter because it was so freezing this winter!  We found a lot of fun things to do inside!
But this event was outside and still so fun.  They had horse drawn trolley rides!  The girls were excited.  Andrew- notsomuch.
More hot chocolate for the win!  Now he's excited!
They had Anna and Elsa!  Bonus!  Side note- Kerigan is holding this dog because it was her turn to take it home from Kindergarten and write about their adventures.  Fun times.
They had these huge blocks of ice that we got to watch them carve!  It was pretty cool!
Later that night we went back for fireworks and they had completed the ice sculptures!
They were fascinated with the huge chunks of ice!
Then the kids all piled in the back of Megan's car to watch the fireworks out the window because it was SO COLD.

It's hard to take pictures of fireworks but we were so impressed by these!  We said they were just as good as the 4th of July!
Kerigan wrote this at school and brought it home.  I texted it to Megan (Avery's mom) and said apparently we have a new family member- Ha!
Another cold weekend Avery's family took Kerigan to the children's museum in town.
They had a blast!  (Clearly, Kerigan was confused by this mirror- Ha!)
Avery's little brother, Brady, is like Kerigan's brother too.  She loves him and is always asking me when she gets to be a big sister! (Not gonna happen!)
Our sweet friends from our old town were at the hospital with Parker and since we live all of 10 minutes away, we brought them some treats and went to visit!  Since we don't live down the street from each other anymore, we have to take advantage of when we're close!  Even if it IS the hospital!
When your BFF knows just what you need for an unexpected hospital stay!
My sweet boy's class was doing presentations and his group got to come present to my class!  I loved it so much!
On the 100th day of school her teacher texted us these pictures of our kids at age 100!  Yikes!  So funny.
Our cousin was having a birthday party so we went to stay at Ga Ga's for the weekend since she lives closer.  Kerigan is obsessed with these Beadoes.  You make designs and then spray them with water and they stick together.  Genius!
I had to post this on FB- Like Ga Ga like grandson!
Evelyn's party was at the coolest new place called Climb Iowa!
These two did amazing!

They both made it to the top!  Incredible!
The pictures don't really do it justice how tall these walls were!
I was amazed.  This was NOT easy and several of the kids couldn't do it!
Then they had these smaller ones that were slanted backwards and both kids also made it to the top of these!
This pictures makes me laugh!
Made it to the top!
Andrew and Evelyn having a contest!  They are 4 days apart and love having birthday parties so close together.
Then this is such a sweet story.  So Evelyn still lives in our town we lived in when Andrew was born and has become friends with this little girl, Mya.  They play on the same sports teams together.  Well, Andrew and Mya just happened attend day care together since they were 2 and Kindergarten together!   It was so fun to reconnect these two.  They used to be best buddies!
Here's a blast from the past- first day of Kindergarten.  Mya was like a little mother to him and he just adored her.  Such a small world!
One night we went to take dinner to Daddy at school and played a little basketball!
I'm sure she's getting more ideas of activities she wants to participate in!  This girl has me running ragged to activities every week!
We always enjoy visiting Daddy on nights when he's busy working games.
Andrew showing off his tricks! 

We are ready for spring!