
Sunday, February 12, 2017

skating, dancing & tumbling!

So my well-rounded girl decided she wanted to try ice skating lessons this semester.  She was beyond excited, and had only skated maybe twice before.
She did so awesome the very first day! 
I just love her ambition.  She's not fearful of anything.  She's unfamiliar with the activity, knew none of the kids, yet she just went out there with a smile and rocked it!
We are so proud of her and her spunk!
She gave it two thumbs up!
We did some painting in the basement one weekend and Andrew was so, so proud because Daddy asked him to help.  He used a brush and painted that whole wall with it!  
Snuggling by the fire with Belle.  Yes, that's a cat.  Ha!  I posted this on FB and so many people commented asking if that was a cat because she is so huge and fluffy!
Kerigan had hat day at school so she posed with Belle too.  We love our kitty around here!
Kerigan's teacher sent me this picture of two sweet girls on hat day!
Then this girl competed in her first tumbling meet at her new gym.
I had low expectations.  It was a new gym, new coach, and she hadn't competed since last summer.  I warned her she probably wouldn't get a trophy and not to expect it.
She did an awesome front pass
And this year since she moved up a level from last year she also does a back pass
Some things are added for more difficulty like straddle rolls, etc.  
Well.  She showed me!
For those of you who can't see what it says... 
That's a first place finish!
We were all shocked.  And so, so proud of her!  Now she wants to get first place every time she does a competition!  Ha!  #goals
Andrew relaxing at one of daddy's basketball games.  Ha!
We love when Ga Ga comes to stay with us!
My silly girl wanted to take a selfie.  She was practicing for Wacky Wednesday!
Andrew's birthday weekend Jayden came the night before his party and we brought him to school for the kids Dance Marathon!
All week the kids brought coins to help raise money for the children's hospital.  We were so proud of the school raising so much!
These Kindergarteners were totally smitten with the Hawkeye cheerleaders.
Kerigan has the sweetest group of friends in her class!
Jayden and Andrew had a blast playing with all the balloons!
Such a fun night with friends!
This is totally random but it made me crack up.  This is so Craig!  Does anyone else's hubby do this?  Ha!

Well that gets me almost through January!  I'm sorting through spring break pictures so hopefully I'll be caught up soon!