
Saturday, March 25, 2017

march catch up

Our niece celebrated her birthday and everyone came to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  They rented a hotel room and all the kids got to swim.  They all had so much fun together!  It was nice to have all the cousins able to make it.
The kids loved having water fights with their uncles!
Kerigan with the birthday girl, Abby!
Jack is the oldest cousin and he is getting so big.  He is so sweet with the younger kids and was playing with Kerigan and making her laugh!
A little fun in the hot tub
Everyone took a pool break for some cake!
These two are about a year apart and have become good friends this past year.  They love every opportunity to get together!
Then there's these two...
It's so awesome to have such great neighbors for the kids to play with.  Kerigan drew this the other day- her "plan" for getting all her friends together!  I love the circle with "I'm so happy" in the middle.
We decided to explore some of the parks in town one evening when it started warming up a little bit!
This one quickly became a favorite
Can't wait to start enjoying more days like these soon!
I think my favorite days are the days where the kids are outside from sun up until sun down playing with their friends on bikes, scooters, etc.
This girl came to my room after school and had chosen an Iowa State gymnastics book for her take home book!  I was so thrilled I had to take her picture!  Ha! 
Then one busy evening carting kids around to activities, this girl lost her first tooth!
Love that little toothless smile
The tooth fairy left $5 for how many years she had her tooth!
The kids school celebrated Dr. Seuss week.  This was green eggs and ham day in Kindergarten!
Wacky Wednesday
Then it was so funny because the following week the whole school did a Wacky Wednesday so Andrew was so excited to get to dress up.  Kerigan said she didn't really want to again because she was getting "sick of it."  Ha ha!  As you can see, she changed her mind at the last minute!
Then I got to go on the Kindergarten field trip to Hancher auditorium to see a performance called Circus Oz.  It was so special to be able to go with my girl!
A little fun with snapchat on Oscars night!  Ha!
A feline funny for you
My girl and I checking out Clarie's after her ice skating lesson.  There's a plus to having the ice arena inside the mall!
My sweet 4th grader had his concert right before spring break.  They had to wear red, white and blue for songs about America.
He did so good and actually sang this time!
I'll never forget as a little boy how he would just stand there and not sing!  At least he always looked cute!  Ha!
He said this was his favorite song because he got to play an instrument.
I loved the bow at the end!
My handsome boy.  How can he be 10 and going into 5th grade next year!? :(  Time slow down.
My loves
This is Andrew's best friend Tanner.  His family is so sweet and we have enjoyed getting to know them.  We found out that they used to live by us before we all had kids and lived in another town!  Such a small world.
They met us at our favorite froyo place after the concert.
Andrew's nice music teacher, Dr. Fairfield.
March was full of a lot of packing!  At least Belle found a comfy place to be right in the way! Ha!
Routine dentist appointments for the kids found this sassy girl with 4 wiggly teeth and no cavities!
Andrew does need a filling.  But it's okay because he loved playing with this dog just like he used to at our old dentist office when he was 3! #itsthelittlethings

I think I'm finally caught up to our amazing spring break trip!  Vacation updates coming soon!