
Friday, February 17, 2017

valentines and concerts

My sweet girl had a Valentine concert in February.
The Kindergarteners did a fabulous job!
I just love them- I could watch this age perform all day, they are SO cute!
Kerigan got to play an instrument during one of the songs.
Proud of our sweet little singer!
Ga Ga came to watch her perform too!
Daddy had to work this evening but he arranged to get away just to see his girl's concert.  She just lit up when he walked in and made her night.
Kerigan's music teacher Ms. Grow.  This is her first year and was her first concert and she did a great job!
Our awesome principal Mr. Ewald!  Everyone LOVES him!
Ga Ga came the weekend before Valentines Day and brought surprises for the kids!
She also got to help with the kids' Valentines!
The school had a no candy rule for Valentines (I know, seriously?  What's fun about that??) But we made it work!
Andrew loves army men so this was perfect.
And Belle was of course enjoying helping too!  Ha ha.
Kerigan did Play doh.
Thank goodness for Pinterest!  Without candy, I was struggling for ideas!
She was so proud to write her classmates names on them and did it so neatly!  She loves doing things like this!
We tried out our new curlies for the Valentine party!
It turned out SO cute!
This is what it's like trying to take their picture!  Ha!
Andrew is usually the goofy one!  Ha!
Finally got a good one!
I got to visit Kerigan's classroom for her party.  I love getting to be at school with them for class parties!
She couldn't wait to go through her envelope of cards from her friends!

Could this be her first love note from a boy?!  I asked her about it and she said, "Oh yeah, he loves me."  Like it was no big deal.  Ha ha!  I think we're in trouble with this one!
I honestly don't know how Kindergarten teachers do it!  Kerigan has one of the best I've ever seen- she's amazing!
This was all I could get from Andrew at his party.  I think I cramp his style sometimes!  Ha ha.
This made me laugh.
Then that week on Friday morning I went in to read to Kerigan's class.  I brought a silly book and the kids LOVED it.  They were all giggling and Kerigan loved sitting on my lap and showing the pictures.  I treasure these times so much as I know they are short lived!
Then I helped set up this fun snack "buffet" in their room.  It was pajama day too!  So fun!
While I was there I peeked in on Andrew doing jump rope for heart in P.E.!

That night we took Avery with us to BWW for dinner.  Silly girls!
Andrew was so thrilled to have these boys sleep over!  They live right behind us and are twins! One of them is in his class and he's gotten to be good friends with them both.  He said "Mom I can't believe for 10 years of my life I've never had a friend sleep over!"  He was so happy.
I found out most normal boys eat a lot!  Ha!  I fixed them pancakes in the morning.

It was a fun and memorable Valentine's week!