
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

california adventure {last day}

We woke up early for our last day at Disney!  It was early magic hours at California Adventure so we started out there.
Two kids ready for their day!
Of course, we headed straight to Radiator Springs Racers.  Because it's just our favorite ride in all of Disney.

We knew this was going to happen after we had ridden it a bunch of times!
Pictures will never do this ride justice.  But it goes in and out of caves and tunnels, you see all the Cars characters and a super fun race at the end!
They were having a sweet moment walking out of the ride.
Cars Land was not busy at all this early so they hopped on the tractor ride!
Then this girl wanted to meet Anna and Elsa.  I love how she's talking to Elsa so seriously.
She's pretty much in her element right here.

And you just can't meet Anna and Elsa without.... Olaf!
We all love Olaf!
Someone was super excited for this movie to come out so she wanted a picture by it!
Then we had to head back to our hotel, Paradise Pier, for our Surf's Up character breakfast with Mickey and Friends!  
Luckily our hotel was just a short walk away so it was super easy to go back and forth.  I had made a later brunch time because I knew we wanted to take advantage of the early magic hours at the parks.
Surfer Minnie!
And we always love Pluto!
Kerigan couldn't wait for Daisy!
And then this moment brought me to tears.  My sweet boy has loved Stitch forever.  He's been to Disney 3 times before this and never met Stitch.
 This trip it was all he could talk about.  But he would tell me, "It's okay mom, if Stitch isn't there, it's okay."  I told him I wanted him to get to meet Stitch and I think he didn't want me to be disappointed!  Ha!  Sweet boy.
This made his whole trip.  It made his year!  And Stitch somehow knew how much he meant to us, because he kept coming back to Andrew.  Andrew got special attention from him, for sure. (Could it be the hat and shirt?? Ha!) #hesobsessed
Then they had a dance party and Andrew was super into it!  I have the funniest video of him dancing with Stitch!
Then Stitch came back to our table and wanted a picture with mama!  Ha!
And why not the whole family?!  We just could not get enough.  Character breakfasts are our all time favorite thing.
When we were done eating, Stitch actually moved out into the hotel lobby.  So we saw him again!  Ha!
Then we rested for a while.  My feet had been killing me the whole week.  I wore the wrong shoes this trip!
Just chillin!
Then we headed back to CA for more rides and fun!
So for some reason Andrew took a liking to Oswald.  I had to look up who he was!  Ha!  He was the first Mickey Mouse. 
Andrew loved him!
So I had to put this in here because this was about the time she had a meltdown.  She's adorable and the sweetest little thing, but Disney meltdowns are inevitable.  Ha.
Then we had to get a mickey pop and wait in line for the most anticipated characters...
Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde!
I had some people on Facebook ask who they were- they're from the Zootopia movie, which is right up there with one of our favorite Disney movies!
Then we headed to Toy Story Mania!
This ride is always a favorite!
I love my little riding partner!
Craig found these shirts and we just had to laugh.  Anyone who knows us know these shirts are perfect for us.  Ha ha!
Andrew took Craig and I (separately) on the roller coaster in this picture, California Screamin.  It starts out faster than any roller coaster I've ever been on- it's like you're a bullet shooting out of a gun!  It's amazing!  Andrew loved it and could've ridden ten more times.  Kerigan was so upset she was too short.
And of course we couldn't leave without riding Soarin, another favorite!  Kerigan was too short on our last trip so she was so excited she could ride this time!
We headed back to the hotel late afternoon for a swim!
We walked through Downtown Disney!
We always love getting back to our hotel and seeing how the maid fixed up our room with all the kids treasures from the week!
We couldn't wait to dive in!
I've said it before and I'll say it again,  We just can't get enough of CA.  I would choose Disneyland over Disneyworld anyday.  It's smaller, yet all the best rides are here.  Plus a few unique ones like Radiator Springs Racers.  They have the best characters and meet and greets are easier- the characters just stroll around the streets!  And they have unique ones like Captain Hook and Stitch.
And did I mention the weather??  It's amazing.  But probably the best part for me is the proximity of all the hotels and the parks.  Everything is close!  3 Disney hotels on property and Downtown Disney is right in the middle.  Disneyland and California Adventure face each other.  It is just the best layout and it's so easy to get around.  Maneuvering around Disneyworld just stresses me out!  Ha!
Even the elevator was cute!  Ha!  We went back to the room to shower and get dressed again to head back to the World of Color show.
Now.  Here's where I should have given up.  Realized that enough was enough for one day.  But I was trying to pack everything in and really wanted the kids to see the show from the park, rather than our window, which we had seen every night before this.
The saying, "quit while you're ahead" rings true here.  They were tired.  Exhausted.  We had been going strong since 6am.  But I really wanted to make this last night special!
But there's just no tired like Disney tired.
So instead of seeing the show, they slept.  While we stood with a huge crowd of people all around us.  And they never saw the show.  And that's what you call a plan backfiring.  #liveandlearn
How many stuffed animals can fit in the bed?  There was barely room for me!  Ha!

We were ready to move on to the next part of our trip and meet Papa and Ga Ga again!  Goodbye to the happiest place on Earth!

To see the rest of our Disney updates click below: