
Monday, April 17, 2017

let's go fly a kite

The rest of April we enjoyed being outside more, and doing some fun activities.  Daddy took Kerigan to an Iowa women's basketball game.
Then he texted me these pictures to make me mad, ha!
He bought her her first Hawkeye shirt and I was not thrilled.  But it had bling, so she was happy.
Andrew had been sick for a couple days and I thought this was so sweet.  I found it on his locker at school.
Just 2 kids hanging with their cat.

Kerigan and I had to do a little spring clean out of Andrew's locker.  He was missing a bunch of stuff so we walked down and looked in his locker and it was stuffed!  I think there were 2 coats, several sweatshirts, hats, gloves and a TON of papers... ahhh the transition from winter to spring!  Ha!
I was on recess duty when this guy just happened to be outside with his class too!  Love seeing my kids at school.
This day I had lunch with my girl and loved every minute.
I had to laugh at these pictures because our upstairs was unlivable (we had no kitchen or living room as it was being remodeled) so we all hung out together a LOT during the spring and spent a lot of time in the basement. 
Andrew likes to have the basement to himself so he was not pleased.  Ha!  Does it look slightly crowded?  Someone has to have her tumbling mat in the middle of the room too!
Our kitchen table was downstairs, along with half our pantry on the ping pong table back there.  I'm so glad those days are over! 
Somehow amongst the craziness, these two don't let anything stop them from begging for a sleepover.  This night Kerigan had tumbling and Avery was patiently waiting for her to get back and Meagan sent me that text.  Ha!
Two happy girls!
Finally sleepy girls...
And this guy got to have a sleepover with his mama!  I think we were both excited about this!
The kids got kites for Easter so we took advantage of a super windy weekend to fly them!
We have a nice field next to the school right in our backyard so it was the perfect place!
We figured out how to get them really high and it was such a fun afternoon!

I love this.  It's the perfect picture of spring.  Barefoot, running through the grass, kites... I love it all!
Baseball started for the kids and this was this girl's first practice ever.
Daddy took them to his batting cages at school to practice and they loved it!

One spring weekend we took the kids to Boss Baby!  They loved it!
Ga Ga was here and she helped the girls redo Kerigan's fairy garden for spring.
Kerigan always loves doing this with Ga Ga.  And Avery is like my second daughter so she had to join in!
Ga Ga watched the kids for me after bedtime so I could go to my tumbling mom friend's house. We drank wine and made hair ribbons for the girls for the state tumbling meet.  I'm not sure how the ribbons turned out but we sure had fun!
The next morning Ga Ga came to watch Kerigan at ice skating lessons.
The rink is in the mall, along with this carousel the kids always try to talk me into letting them ride.
Since Ga Ga was with us, they get to do whatever they want!  Ha!
Another weekend our friends from our old town came to visit and we surprised the kids!  I love the joy on Kerigan's face here. 
These two have been best friends since they were 2.  I pray their friendship will always continue, even though we moved.
These boys went to nerf wars at Andrew's taekwondo gym and had a blast!
Of course in the morning we had to visit the best donut place ever!
She doesn't like donuts.  Just the bubblegum on top.  Ha!
And the girls just happened to have matching dresses- unplanned!
Apparently we ate a lot because here we are eating ice cream later- Ha!
Then we all went to the childrens museum and had a blast!

There are so many fun things to do there!
This was the flight room!
Andrew loves this simulator plane
Sitting in a real plane!

They always have a blast in the grocery store!
Fun making pizzas!

Getting an X-ray
Brushing giant teeth- ha!
We love our hospital in town!  It's so neat that they have this pretend hospital for the kids to play in.
Fun in the art room!

After a fun filled day, these girls went to bed reading and giggling.

I think that's getting close to wrapping up last spring!  I'm still on a mission to catch up!