
Friday, April 14, 2017

somebunny loves you

Well, when I went to look back on the blog for last year's Easter update and didn't find it... that's when I knew I was out of control behind- as in, almost a full year.  I've tried keeping up with at least the kids birthdays... but I spent today downloading every picture on my phone from the last year and uploading it to blogger.  I'm hoping with the drafts all sitting there waiting to be published, I'll be more likely to update!  I'm making it my summer mission to get all caught up.  I debated about shutting the ol' blog down, but too many times I use it to look back at things, and more than that, I want these memories recorded for my kids.  That is my purpose.  This is their scrapbook.  So here goes...

Operation "catch up" starts with Easter 2017!

We had an Easter egg hunt in our town that was sort of a flop.  There were way too many families and not enough eggs.  Lots of upset kids.  I think we ran into about 10 families at the ice cream shop afterwards, treating their kids to ice cream since they didn't get any eggs!  We did get to see the bunny though.
This was the first year we spent Easter at Ga Ga and Papa's.  Normally we spent every year with the Huegel side, but since Grandpa and Grandma were on vacation and not home, we headed to Ga Ga and Papa's and had the best time!
Ga Ga had so many fun activities planned for them.
They got right to work decorating eggs!
I think this is their favorite Easter activity.
Fun with Ga Ga!
Happy girl
Their pretty eggs!
She made a little smiley face

When they were done with that, Ga Ga had made a cake for them to decorate with Peeps.
Of course they had to eat a few!  I think Peeps are so disgusting, but they love them!
Isn't this so cute?  It was like a little garden with bunnies and carrots!
Ga Ga had this pretty arrangement on the table.
Papa and Daddy carved the delicious ham for dinner
And after dinner the kids got to go outside and collect glow in the dark eggs!  This was the neatest thing we've ever done on Easter!  Thank you Pinterest!
We all helped break glow sticks and put them in the eggs.  Some of them had trouble staying together- next time mom is planning on using shorter sticks, or tea lights.

So pretty!
That morning the kids woke up and got to look for their baskets from Ga Ga and Papa.  Someone couldn't contain her excitement.
Andrew found his on the deck!
We snapped a picture after breakfast and headed home to see what the Easter bunny left us!
Please excuse our house- it was under construction (more updates on that coming later).  The EB left them a note with a clue to find their baskets!
Next clue in the mailbox!  These two love a scavenger hunt!
Luckily it was beautiful outside so EB could hide some clues out there!
Pure excitement!
The only problem was remembering to take turns reading the clues, and not taking off running without the other.  Andrew clearly had the clue figured out here, while Kerigan was still reading it.  Ha!
This is serious stuff!
They found their baskets!  And apparently I only got a picture of Andrew's stash, as they were opening and I was taking video too.
Here she is with one of her treasures!
And the much anticipated Skylander.
It was so nice outside we got out the bikes and scooters!  Then we got a surprise text!

Look who showed up!  Cousins!  Note Andrew is in his happy place right there.
Since Grandpa and Grandma were gone, Evi and Jayden had also gone to their other grandma's, who happen to live near us so they stopped to say hi on their way home!  The kids were so thrilled.
Happy Easter!

He is RISEN!