
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

may catch up

This quote sort of describes the month of May for me.  Why does May seem like one of the busiest months?  For me, it's a close second to December for the busiest month of the year.  I have just a random assortment of pictures today!  It's a little long, but I wanted to include everything!
You know it's almost summer when the ice cream truck starts driving around the neighborhood!
I used to love doing this as a kid and I'm so excited they still have the ice cream truck!  Even though sometimes it isn't the best timing when you hear the chimes and have to go running through the house looking for cash!  Ha!  Why does it seem like those trucks always come through right around dinner time??
Enjoying her popsicle in her knee pads.  This was the evening that she decided she was ready to ride her bike with no training wheels.
Daddy walked up and down the sidewalk with her a few times...
I think it took about 10 minutes and she had it down!
I just love dance picture day!
All the little girls in tutus just make me happy!
Then they let the parents in during class to watch their recital dance!
And we had to laugh when these two went straight from dance class to the ball field!  They were all decked out in curled hair and make up for their baseball game!  Ha!
This view never gets old.
Look at that ball sailing away!
So proud of our multi-talented girl!  Ha!
These two practiced hard for nationals!
We had lots of private lessons!  This is one way to get her to keep her hands and feet together!  Ha!
Then we had to laugh because these two played each other in T-ball too!  From the mat to the field!  Love them.
Love watching this guy play too!
He did really good pitching this season!
His #1 fan!
And another #1 fan!
Andrew also got to play one of his best friends, Tanner!
I feel like we were at the ball fields the whole spring/summer so lots of these pics are baseball pics!  Daddy was also busy a lot with his baseball team so Ga Ga loved filling in for some games!
And I figured with Daddy gone, and the weather was so gorgeous, half the neighborhood and school was at the ball fields- so we might as well be there too!  It was fun to sit with friends and neighbors and watch our kids play.
And I just love these action shots of my girl rocking first base!

Look at her go!
Now that is the stance of a dancer I'd say!  Ha ha!

I think this is one of my favorite pictures ever.  I always thought Kerigan was a dance and tumbling girly girl, but she proved this year that she can do so much more!  She's going to be our little sports fan, I just know it!
Andrew worked hard and earned his next belt in Taekwondo!
He did awesome and we were so proud of him!  We love Master Anderson!
Mother's Day was my perfect day.  Sleeping in, donuts, and these two.
They showered me with love!
Ga Ga and Papa came over too!
I adore this portrait Kerigan drew of me!
Their sweet things they gave me.  I love that she loves having me at the same school, too!  That artwork is hanging proudly in my classroom and it makes me smile
And these months always bring sketchy weather...
This evening due to the weather forecast I opted to skip the baseball game even though activities weren't cancelled.  Avery went to her soccer game.  Next thing we knew it started downpouring and everyone in the neighborhood started coming back home from all the events!  
Because why wouldn't we fly kites and play outside in Iowa during a tornado warning??  Ha!
This is random but our kitchen was FINALLY finished and so I took pics of the kids eating their first breakfast in our new kitchen!  Ha!
Well, she was close to the kitchen!
Again, he's enjoying our new living room... we still need furniture.  And clearly Andrew needs a new blanket!  Ha!
She loved these jammies because they matched her little rainbow bear.
Avery had her birthday party in May!
It was at the children's museum!
We are so thankful for this friendship right here.
Then we ended May with a little road trip for Memorial Day.
The kids always enjoy visiting their Grandpa Bill.

Afterwards we drove through campus to see the ponies that were just born!
They were just precious!
Then we headed to Ga Ga and Papa's for dinner!
It was gorgeous weather and they got out the sprinkler!
Warming up with some watermelon, and Ga Ga!
Papa grilled these delicious steaks!
And of course we had homemade ice cream!
The best bedtime treat at Ga Ga and Papa's!
The next day was a perfect day for a road trip.  We hadn't visited my great grandparents and grandparents graves in a long time, so we took the kids to find the cemetery where they are all buried, which is a couple of hours away and in a very remote little cemetery in the country!
These were my grandparents.  Grandpa only got to meet Andrew, but Grandma Tootie adored these two kids.
These were my great grandparents.  I knew and loved them both.  Andrew is named after my great grandpa, Andrew.

And we say all the time that Kerigan reminds us of Mabel.  She acts just like her!  Ha!  She was a funny lady and my mom adored her.  My mom says she always wanted to be the kind of grandma that Mabel was to her.  I think she's rating right up there!
On the way home we drove through my dad's cemetery again to see the flags.
They were just gorgeous!

And I think that finally wraps up May!