
Monday, January 1, 2018

beale street bash!

After our awesome lunch at Huey's, we headed out just in time to catch the parade!
Beale Street was buzzing with excitement (and tons and tons of people!)

The atmosphere was perfect and fans were excited!
This girl was happy she got some candy!
Some of the cars were so funny!
I love her arms out, ready to catch some candy!  Ha!

Just some cool signs on Beale Street

This guy was decked out in his Cyclone gear!

After the parade we headed to the end of the parade to visit the ISU cheerleaders and poms! 
Papa's other granddaughter, Kelsie, is on the dance team and Kerigan just thinks that is the coolest thing ever!
Papa with some of his grandkids
Ga Ga, Papa and Kelsie.  My mom was the secretary at Kelsie's school when she was in elementary and my mom just loved her!
These posts are not complete without a Cy picture!
Back at the hotel we jumped in the pool for a while!
Then we all decided to get pizza and play games in the lobby!
Sometimes we love doing this at hotels rather than eating out somewhere.  We knew the crowds would be massive this night so we just got cozy and had fun!
Spoons, of course!
Spoons champ!
The next morning Ga Ga and I dropped Papa and Daddy off at the game and we took the kids and had FUN!
We lined up at the Peabody Hotel to witness the Peabody ducks!  They come off this elevator and walk the red carpet into a fountain, where they spend their day!
I tried to get pictures but they were moving so fast!  I love Kerigan's face here.
They made it to their fountain!
This was such a fun little tradition!
Being a teacher, I love a good book that connects to things we do and this book by one of my favorite authors is perfect!  It explains the tradition and is such a good read.  My kids and I love it!
So.  While the guys were at the game, we had to decide where to go for lunch.  The kids begged and begged to go back to Hueys.
What can I say?  We enjoyed it so much, we didn't mind!
After lunch we went to the Civil Rights museum and saw where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot.
That's the hotel behind them
The wreath is hanging up there where he was standing
It felt very surreal to be here
This was a picture inside
Then we drove to the house of Elvis Presley!
Elvis's airplane the Lisa Marie
Then we headed back downtown to check out the statue of Elvis!
And we checked out Beale Street to see what it's like when it isn't crowded with millions of people!
It was much quieter!
We took this for Daddy
They had statues for the Memphis Tigers all around
Beale Street!
A huge Christmas tree downtown!
The kids liked these outside lining the street!

at the game...
The Cyclones won!  YAAAAAAAS!
We picked Daddy and Papa up after the game and headed halfway home.  Around dinner time we found a hotel, grabbed dinner out and swam some more!

The next morning was New Years Eve day and we headed home!  Happy and tired!
When we got home, Ga Ga and Papa spent New Years with us and we just played games and had dinner and it was so much fun!
I loved this- I had to draw spaghetti while wearing distorting glasses and Andrew blurted out "exploding spaghetti!?"  Ha!  I thought that was so cute.  He was kind of right!
It was such a low key New Years Eve, just perfect!
I made this collage of some of the highlights of our year.

Happy New Year!